Siddur Party at Lubavitcher Yeshiva

CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — This month, the Pre 1A classes of Lubavitcher Yeshiva Crown Heights celebrated their Grand Siddur Party. The event was emceed by Rabbi Holtzman, father of Dov Holtzman in Rabbi Katzen’s class.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Rabbi Holtzman shared a story of the Shpoler Zeide and spoke of the special powers and merits of the Tefilos of young children.

Rabbi Simpson, the Principal, addressed the parents and spoke of the great Zechus of being Meachanech our children, and thanked the teachers for their unyielding efforts.

Eli Tennenbaum, and Leibel Zweibel delivered a D’var Torah, and Menachem Mendel Chazan along with Menachem Mendel Jelen led the audience in reciting Pesukim form the Rebbe’s Kapitel.

Rabbi Katzen’s Class sang the 12 Pesukim, and Rabbi Schwartz’s class recited the first few lines of Tanya by heart.

The proud boys were then called to the stage to receive their very own siddur with their name engraved on the cover, and a beautiful certificate.

As a grand finale, the children visited the Rebbe’s Yechidus room where they Davened, said the Rebbe’s Kapitel and gave Tzedaka.

ULY, their teachers and are very proud of the children on their accomplishments!


  • Chaim

    Rabbi Katzen you are the BEST Rebbe EVER!! first me, now my nephew and NOTHING has changed!Yasher KOiach

  • SD

    I was there and it was very well done.
    You can see the Rabbi’s love for their Talmidim.
    All the kinderlach behaved very well for such a long event. Keep up the good work !

  • m.r.

    Mordechai you are such a cutie! now you have your very own siddur to daven from!

  • Zaide & Bubbe Zwiebel, UK

    Mazel Tov to our einikel Leibel. May you continue to give lots of yiddishe chassidishe nachas to your dear parents and grandparents.