Lubavitcher Yeshiva Staff Attend Counter Terrorism Seminar

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Lubavitcher Yeshiva on Crown Street hosted a counter terrorism seminar for its staff this Sunday morning. A leading expert on security and risk management spoke to the staff, and instructed them on how to properly identify threats and gave tips on preventing them.

More pictures in the Extended Article.

The seminar lasted for nearly three hours in which many scenarios were brought up and discussed as well as addressing the staff member’s questions. The seminar was given by Paul DeMatteis who runs a private security consultant firm and is a teacher at Jon Jay Collage of Criminal Justice.

The seminar was arranged as part of a special grant which is being given to schools in order to upgrade their security to prevent any kind of attack, chas veshalom.

Also in attendance were representatives from other schools in Crown Heights.


  • CN

    The mayor should arrange for classes on counterterrorism for the whole city. “If you see something say something” is kind of vague.

  • A Parent

    Thank you ULY Crown St for being so proactive! As a parent it reaffirms my trust in you and the reason why I choose to send my boys to your institution. The children are ALWAYS the priority at ULY and it’s a wonderful environment for the family as a whole. The educational staff as well as the administrative staff are warm and understanding, constantly putting the child’s best interest at the forefront.

    Thank you!!!!

  • uuulol

    thank you Rabbi Simpson and Mrs Goldstock for constintly taking care of our boys the parents realy appreiciate every thing that you do .

  • somebody involved

    just for the public’s knowledge, meetings have been set up in a few of our schools with counter terrorism experts especially the commanding officer of Counter terrorism in Brooklyn south, Inspector Van Gostien, Bnos Menachem had a meeting and has already made changes, Beis Rivka has a meeting this week with him.

  • Paul DeMatteis

    I have one correction to offer. I am not a private security consultant. I am the Senior Security Adviser on Corporate Security Programs at John Jay College of Criminal Justice. I am also a Program Manager for the CUNY Research Foundation. My group is comprised of several industry experts, leading academics, and grad students that provide consulting services (e.g., terrorism and vulnerability assessments, crisis management protocols and training along with other related security programs). We are a nonprofit group that assists organizations within complex security and emergency management issues.

    It was a pleasure to work with everyone on Sunday; I hope my team was able to provide useful information. Please do not hesitate to call on us if we could provide any further guidance.

    Paul DeMatteis, CPP, CFE
    Senior Adviser on Corporate Security Programs
    Office of Continuing and Professional Studies
    John Jay College of Criminal Justice