Suspicious Package in Kingston Ave Subway Station

CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — A suspicious package on the lower level subway platform on the Kingston Avenue station sparked a large police and fire response. Earlier this morning a disturbing post on a Muslim extremist website regarding 770 had the area in heightened alert already.

More pictures in the Extended Article.

The suspicious package was a bag, which was later found to have contained a pair of shoes, was left on the platform of the Manhattan bound 3 train and was first reported at around 2:45pm and after about an hour an NYPD Emergency Services Bomb Squad sapper entered the station in a special suit and identified the bag as harmless.


  • Anon

    Thank you NYPD and FDNY for your efficient, appropriate response, and for keeping our neighborhood safe!!

  • Herby

    WOW!!!!!!!! Thank you to the amazing Police Officers from the NYPD. They did an amazing job making sure we were out of harms way. Those guys are good. Everyone remember this the next time you give them a hard time about some ticket. They are here to protect us and our streets. Show them respect, they go above and beyond the call of duty for us!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • graceful

    wow that was a job well done to keep us out of harm way… thank you to the NYPD

  • concerned lubavitcher

    we gotta hack the nuts website.
    where is our professionals that know how to hack!!!!!

  • Arrrf

    To Curious: Did you read the words on the page?

    To Moderator: Did you read that comment?

  • tyjnh

    shoes, that is so funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    and to curious i guess youre not very good at reading comp anyway

  • G-d-s right hand man

    We know in brooklyn big mama throws the shoes and g-d deals them happy holidays

  • CH Res, cop member

    Noticably absent was our esteemed Simonetti, as a matter of fact i never see him at all. That little fat man has half the NYPD in crown heights and he just doesnt show up.


    Thank you NYPD for the great job. Simmonetti, you didnt do anything so you dont get any credit!

  • resident

    Why did it take an hour before they showed up to “de-activate” a pair of shoes? If it was a bomb with a timer, the devastation could have been tremendous.

    As for that Muslim website…it is truly chilling. Rabbosai, be alert! Look for anything/anybody that appears “different”. We know who is a regular wacko & who looks “off.” Report EVERYTHING!!

  • Big J

    Perhaps Simonetti didn’t show up because any incidents that occur inside the subway along Eastern Pkwy are technically the responsibility of the Transit Bureau and secondly the 77.

  • CH Res, cop member

    big j you can be as technical as you want, but fact is i saw more tehn 20 71st precinct officers along with the executive officer at the scene, plus it actaully did happen in the 71st, fact is he just doesnt care. more important for him is to get involved in community politics that are NONE OF HIS BUSINESS.

  • boruch hoffinger

    In the year 2000 I was standing inside bank HaPoalim(?) on the corner of Rehov HaGalil,(Rehov HaBanim?)and Rehov Ha Yardin? when someone called: ”Chefetz Chashud! Chefetz Chashud!“
    Everyone exited the bank: myself, my wife Brouria, my daughter Henya and her fiancee Tal Hanuna.
    It turned out to be food.
    Who’d ever think it would happen I/F/O 770?
    ”Caul HaOlam Koolo Gesher Tzar Meod!”
    Welcome to Little Israel (Chaval!)

  • Big J

    Negative, CH res, this package was on the plat. Anything in the hole belongs to TD32 and the 77.

  • CH Res, cop member

    big j, im not talking territory, i was refering to the fact that there was quite a sizable contingent of 71st precinct officers there along with an XO. when incidents happen near or within a command its normal to see the CO show up and converse with other departments, it shows he takes an extra interest and care in his command. something which is obvious simmonetti doesn’t do.

  • Give me a break

    CH res, I guess he is expected to work 24 hours with no days off and no vacations. That is absurd. Nobody can be every where all of the time. Regardless of his rank…it’s just a job, not a life.

    Sorry, wife and kids, we can’t go to Disney World because somebody might leave a pair of shoes in the subway!