Shabbos Hakhel, An Amazing Success!

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] – From Shabbos morning through Motzoai Shabbos many residents and guests took part in the Shabbos Hakhel, organized by the Mispalelim of Bais Shmuel-Chabad. Well over a thousand men woman and children took part in the Tefilos, Farbrengens and Shiurim.

More pictures in the Extended Article!


  • shlome

    we should run the vaad hakhol this is the only shul to take action
    it was great
    what achdus

  • cee

    what a beautiful event, it’s nice to see strong leadership and vision in chabad. thank you beis shmuel!

  • Sleep tight

    Funny thing that I asked a few people to tell me over a good word and no one can tell me.

    Whats the point?
    To make a BIG EVENT?
    What Tachlis came out of this.

    At least some can sleep better tonight (feeling all good about themselves).

    I also wonder if all those that were there will now go make “peace” with those that they may have offended.
    I wonder if those that make Machlokis will stop etc…
    I wonder, I Wonder

  • bais shmuel member

    moshe pinson keep up the good work bais shmuel is the best

    rabbi yy jacobson excellent inspiring words

  • ZS

    A brilliant job by Moshe Pinson, Dudi, Rabbi Jacobson, Abe Zuntz, and my personal Favorite: Sholom Laine, Who is always there when it counts and I dont know what our community would do with out you!!!

  • AG

    It is no secret that Bais Shmuel does very nice things for “their” community. I’m sure it’s members are able to help many other causes needed in this world. However, don’t you think the money spent on this “event” could have been put to even better use…CROWN HEIGHTS COMMUNITY UNITES TO REPLACE THE ‘LIGHTS’ LOST IN INDIA.

    Wouldn’t the world like to see and hear that!

  • Yitzchak

    WOW!! What A shabbos! what an event. I hope this is the first of many and each one of us can carry the inspiration into our day to day lives.

  • Inspirational

    Wonderful program. What Achdus!! Rabbi Jacobson’s shiurim were amazing!! I hope someone or him is able to write them done and publishing them and/or put them online somewhere. Many women could not attend as they were home with their children and this would be very inspiring for them.

  • achdus

    The davening should of been taken place in 770 – thats the main Shul for Chabad around the world, even more so in CH!

  • dave

    This was a very nice idea, but what would be even better would be to have the davening in 770 that is the rebbes Shul, and the cnter for Chabad B’chlal & CH B’frat!

    Imagine everyone in 770 Rabbi krisnky groner klein, yechi & non-yechi all coming and davening as one chabad, that will be TRUE Achdus!!

  • And outsider

    Its so nice to see how many people got together b’achdus!
    May this bring Moshiach closer NOW!!!

  • Thank you Moshe Pinson

    Sorry, the articular does not due justice to how nice the shaboss was please write about rabbi Jackbsons speak,rabbi kotlaskys words form his heart and the achdus that was there in a real way, in my estimation there was a 1000 people there ant most times but well over 3000 were there foe some part ot the uplifting Hakel.

    May it have a lasting affect on the Shechuna

  • Chaim Avroham

    Yasher Koach to all those who arranged this spcail shabbos – I hope it is the first of many!!!

    A real spacial Thank You to the inspiring speakers Rabbi Jacobson, Rabbi Kotlarsky, Rabbi kaplan and Gabi’s Friend Rabbi Nissim

    And of course to all the Chazzonim and misspallim that made this shabbos what it was!!!

  • Yossi

    This was probably the best even in crown heights over the past few years! Kol Hakavod. A real kiddush hashem was made this shabbos. Bringing together all parts of the community. The speachs, singing and farbrengens were very inspiring.

    We should do this once a month and the community will eventually be one once again!

  • You the man!!

    Beautiful event!! Moishei Pinson what would the Shchuna do without you?? You are the CH Shliach!!

  • Shliach originally from CH

    Response to shlome;

    You don’t need the Vaad Hakhol to put together such programs you need good individuals to take initiative. Two thumbs up for those who did and let the people in Crown Heights learn from these people that few people could make a big difference in CH if they’d make the effort like these people did.

    You don’t have to be a shul or a school or anyone who people think is special. You just got to make the effort and CH could be a much better place.

    Just an example the popular Avos Ubanim that is going was started by one bucher about 18 years old (he is now married I wont say his mane since I’m not sure if he want to it to be publicized). He saw a similar program in Flatbush and decided to make it in his nearby shul. He raised funds for prizes him self. It did not take long before numerous shuls in CH decided to join in.

  • david

    this was event was out of this world. there are not enough words to express my thanks to the organizers, and of course all the people who took part. beautiful beyond words.

  • zeev

    Thank you! Mony you are the best we all know if not for you it wouldn’t happen
    keep up the great work

  • frustrated crown hightser

    I thought the shabbos was fantastic, rabbi Jacobson moved many of us to tears ,an extremely inspiring day and more of them would do us good ,my question is why does beis shmuel have to be the only one to wake up after such a tragedy ,where are the leaders of our community ,I should say who are the leaders of our community ,this terrible occurrence affects everyone !why didn’t they wake up and say maybe we should do something? , to remember people of OUR COMMUNITY ,is this a community? ,we are unfortunately living in a community without a real leader

  • To Sleep Tight

    EVen if the only thing that occured was a thousand yiden got together during Shnas Hakahel, it was worth it.

  • TG

    To Sleep Tight
    To answer your questions:
    The point? To be together and treat each other as brothers “achai” as Rabbi Jacobson said, and not just a to make a big event.

    What tachlis came out of it? Let’s hope we see the words spoken over Shabbos bring to action: acting as “achai” with each other, being there for each other and comforting each other through this time which we pray is the end of golus.

    Stop “wondering” and start doing.

  • ch resident

    unfortunately it could not have happened in 770 as the Tzfati element would just have hijacked it for their own agenda. they would not have allowed Rabbi Krinsky or Kotlasky come downstairs at all.


    & MUCH MORE… ???????????

  • Only Achdus!

    to ch resident: if the Zfati elements in 770 are NOT willing to conduct themselves b’achdus, I think we should send them back to Tsfas!

  • coming to join BS

    I would like to congratulate Moshe and Rabbi Jacobson on such exemplary leadership.

  • Ester Malka

    Thank you Rabbi Kotlarsky for one of the most powerful speeches i heard in my life

    I hope to become a changed person because of these events

  • points R Jacobson and Kotlarsky made

    Some points made by R.Jacobson:

    The main reason we all feel this tragedy to the point that people can’t function durring the past week, is because The kidoshom Holtsbergs were the apidamy of shliachim of the rebbe mammosh (whom we are all a part of as a chosid), and its as if we were hit with anouther gimol tamuz.

    He said we should take advantage of the window of oportunity and continue the global achdus caused by the tradgity.

    He compaired the Kidoshim to Yaakov Avinue who the malochim saw the same Yaakov whether they were in shamayim (ie at his ultamit best) or on this wourld. Even those that say Chabad is great “but”… can not say the “but” anymore after hearing about the kodoshims’ daily activities totaly devoted to yidishkite. The rebbe’s Shchuna should certainly strive to be like the Mumbay Holtsbergs, zs’l. ie ahava & Achdus. Achdus is accomplished like when Yaakov started talking to the sheperds he said “My Brothers…” (Achai).

    He said that moishele is like the Jug of oil that started up judiesem again in chanukah.

    R. Katlarsky pointed out that this young couple had every excuse to wory about themselves due to their death of their 1st born and their tasax chiald, yet they performed their shlichus gladly and with the ultamate love of a fellow jew upto the last second. He did not come in for the convention because he could not leave his congragants so long. As the rebbe told an rich influential person when he asked what the rebbe wants “if he wakes up the next day and is the same person then he failed”.

  • chaim

    make room for the new generations of leaders? b”h for the older generation we still know what chasidim are. the new generation has a lot to be desired. where to start? oh, maybe the bais shmuel men can grow beards- that might be a nice beginning. of course there are some who do- but unfortunately the majority touch their beards.

  • uziyohu brown

    to mmb at such an emotional time like this please do not start a long standing bone of contention.everybody has their own take on this and its unlikely to be resolved until Moshiach actually appears on the scene. now is the time for achdus, at least as much as can be acheived at the present,lets be happy with the aichus if not the kamus




  • CR

    MMB – if the truth upsets you then keep living in denial.

    An element of Chabad HAS hijacked our community and now we are taking it back. If we have to hold events for the time being in Oholei Torah as opposed to 770, so be it. We’ll get 770 back soon enough.

    It’s time for the new generation of leaders to step and and if the “old guard” doesn’t want to change they can be left behind.

    We’re continuing on in honor of the Rebbe and all his Shluchim!

    To Rabbi Jacobson, your words have inspired me, thank you.

  • ch resident wrote

    my Dear “MMB wrote” you may be disgusted by what i wrote but your disgust does not make it untrue.

  • shloime freundlich

    To all the critics

    At the end of “Masechet Makot,” page 24 there is a story of Rabbi Akiva seeing a fox running out of the Holy of Holies ,that is why we did not do it in 770 .

    To you who wrote what is the Tachlis: A man with a little influence over Chabad Rebbe M.M Schneersohn of blessed memory in 1988 wanted Jews to make gatherings in the Hakhel year .

    To those who wrote money could better spend: I suspect you don’t give any money. It is our money, we could have gone on a nice winter vacation but we spent it here. Members of Beis shmul give hundreds of thousands to charity a year.

    Please thank Moshe Pinson ,Money ,Y Brook ,S Raskin and many others who put their blood and guts in to making the A shabos of unity and learning .To give criticism is easy to do is hard

  • inspired!!!!!!

    Thank you to Moshe Pinson and all the Beis Shmuel members ! Thsi event was phenomenal – the turnout was extremely impressive and the program was fantastic. I left feeling inspired by the words that were said as well as moved and inspired that One individual could have such an impact on a community- if only therewere a few more like Moshe Pinson and his crowd – Crown Heights would be an unbelievable place!! Way to go and once again thank you for your efforts to improve our community as a whole instead of being insular and selfish like some other powerful people.

  • spelling please

    Please use the spell check feature when posting your comments – the spelling in some comments make me cringe!!!

    Thanks to the organizers for an amazing Shabbos!! It was truly inspiring!!

  • Gadfly

    A big Yasherkoach to our CH shaliach Moishe Pinson. You cant please all the people all of the time, but you know you are doing the right thing when you please so many of the people so much of the time – especially when you are not trying to please any of the people any of the time, but are just doing it lishmo. Keep on going -you give the Rebbe a lot of nachas.

  • sara

    As someone who doesn’t live in CH, it is absolutely shocking to see any nasty comments concerning this Hakhel Shabbos, particularly about the people of Bais Shmuel, who worked so hard to pull this off in just a few days-the largest gathering b’achdus of its kind! If people truly want to bring the community together, it is time to work on forgiving, forgetting and concentrating on what the Rebbe would want of each of us. Other communities, where there have been machloches, have done that and CH can too…..It takes people judging themselves, not others and truly working on accomplishing what the Rebbe has asked us to do…and that is welcome Moshiach!!

    Anger looks back, worry looks around, and faith looks up.
    L’Achtila L’Ribur!!!

    Mazel Tov Bais Shmuel and Rabbi Jacobson on this extraordinary event.

  • Tzipporah Hahn

    Why all the criticism?? Be happy someone decided to something good! You can never please all of the people all of the time.When you criticize such a wonderful event it makes the organizers of that event feel like “ why should we even try?” I say KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK. And thank you for taking the initiative.

  • real achdus

    beautiful event!
    But just because you didn’t go to this event for whatever reason, doesn’t make you a bad person. for some people hakal meant going to this event and for other people hakal meant going to 770. different strokes for different folks.

    real achdus is learning to accept people for who they are.

  • Kalman

    to all the organizers, Thank you very much it was a very uplifting Shabbos, to be remembered.

  • Kollel Yungerman

    To Moishe Pinson and all the other organizers:

    This event was beautiful. I am so happy I attended. I was very Inspired.

    To all critics:

    Criticize. if that’s what gives you meaning in life. although there are more positive ways to feel fulfilled.

    To those bothered by the criticizm:

    These great Anash that organized this event are made of better stuff than what you think! With their initiative and talent, did something so great. It will roll off like water on duck’s back.

  • Acting appropriately for 770

    I very vividly recall the rebbe asked that he be taken upstairs as ppl were not acting appropriately for 770.