Hundreds at Rochie Paley Levaya

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn — The Levaya of Mrs. Yocheved Chaya Rochel (Rochie) Paley obm passed by 770, THursday at 1:30pm. She passed away untimely today at the age of 26. Hundreds of Crown Heights residents attended the funeral. Many came in from the mountains where they are vacationing for the summer.

A few months ago Isru Chag Shavuos she didn’t wake up. The doctors were rushed in and determined that she suffered a cardiac arrest. She had been in a coma since then. Today she passed away leaving a one year old child Yosef Yitzchok.


  • ANNON....

    What tragic news,,,,what is there to say at such a difficult time…we REALY REALLY NEED MOSHIACH we cannot get used to this golus, we need to BEG Hashem to bring the Geula and reunite us with all our loved ones…we as a Lubavitch COMMUNITY WORLDWIDE need to put our differences aside and and really start having AHAVAS YISROEL- the Beis Hamikdash was destroyed with sinas Chinom- it must be rebiult through our efforts of being more kind to our fellow jews, and IYH we will really be zoche to see MOSHIACH TODAY!!!!!
    Ad Mosai…Ad Mosai….Ad Mosai

  • moshiach now

    heart breaking. there is mamish no words to describe the levaya. moshiach now!

  • saddened and broken

    may the husband be comforted and the innocent child. wheredid rochie go to school

  • A Montrealer

    Did she go to Seminary in Mtl?If yes I remember her being an amazing person!!
    How sad!!Oy Vey Do we need Moshiach!!

  • The Wainer Family

    hamokom yenacheim eschem bsoch sharai avlei tzion yerushalaim.

    A big lost for Klal Yisroel!