CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Two people went missing over the weekend, prompting siblings and parents to call Shomrim and initiate a search. The first search began on Shabbos, when a 19 year old girl didn't return to the apartment she was staying at, after a meal on Friday night.

Two “Missings” Found over the Weekend

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Two people went missing over the weekend, prompting siblings and parents to call Shomrim and initiate a search. The first search began on Shabbos, when a 19 year old girl didn’t return to the apartment she was staying at, after a meal on Friday night.

The roommates of the girl became worried when shabbos morning she had still not turned up, so they went to check the house where she ate to see if she had perhaps stayed there for the night, turns out she had left at 11:00pm prompting the hostess, the missing girls sister, to call shomrim.

As the search stretched across more time, Shomrim then called the police who joined in the search and initiated a ‘Level One Mobilization’ bringing in precincts from across the Borough, Hatzalah was contacted as well putting them on alert to join in the search.

After many shomrim members searched the neighborhoods, including hospitals, parks, subways, apartments near where she would have stayed and other family members lasting nearly four hours of searching she was found safe and sound at another friends apartment.

The second incident was on Sunday afternoon when a mother called Shomrim and reported her 2 year old son missing. The incident began on Lefferts Avenue between Troy and Schenectady.

Once again numerous Shomrim members responded to the call and began searching Utica Ave along with East New York as well as nearby parks.

After about 30 minutes of searching a veteran Shomrim member asked the mother if he can search the house, after receiving permission he found the child while calling his name in the home.

In case of an emergency never hesitate to call 911 and Shomrim at (718) 774-3333 24/7


  • J. Hecht

    May the al-mighty grant that it always be so, that no harm befalls his people. At worst (as in this case) only a transitory and passing cause for concern.

  • Anonymous

    This article is not at all newsworthy. Two girls supposedly went “missing” but in reality these “missing” individuals were safe and sound. Why is this newsworthy?
    I’m a regular reader of crownheightsinfo and I’m deeply dismayed by the journalistic incompetence of this article.

  • crown hights member

    that just happend to my friend’s brother thow rite before shobbos turns out to be he was sleeping under the bed

  • Leah

    What is with this article??? You generally write much better than this? Looks like some OT’nick did it…

  • newsworthy!

    what do u mean of course its newsworthy. how about learning a lesson 1. tell people what your plans are so they wont be worried about you (its safe to do that anyway) and 2. dont panic! check your house twice before getting concerned!

  • JustSayThanks

    “This article is not at all newsworthy. Two girls supposedly went “missing” but in reality these “missing” individuals were safe and sound. Why is this newsworthy?”

    Would you have rather hear about how they g-d fobid were never found/killed/or c”v worst etc…

    It’s to teach a lesson. shomrim (even on shabbos if you have too) and they will show up to help.

    2. always check your own home (for the missing child), under beds, tables and in closets before making a phone call.

    Just say thank you!
    Thank you shomrim for being here for us!

  • to all the complainers

    to all you dssapointed complainers out there about this article, This should be the worst news we hear all summer (and forever). Would you be more satisfied with a bad ending? Boruch Hashem everyone is safe and sound.

  • chsterk

    I know for myself…if a child is missing, check under the beds! it happens all the time, mothers go hysterical..and they find them. It is NEWS and mostly teaching everyone a lesson…

  • thank you

    This is unfortunately a problem with people living in basements, that they can either Chas Vshalom go missing, or just have a change of plans and their roommates would never know if it were a problem or not. Thank you for bringing this to the public attention, and people living in basements should let their roommates know when and if they’ll be home for the night!!

  • Anonymous

    This issue is not the ending. Boruch Hashem no one was ever in danger.

    The reason why this article is not newsworthy is because their is no real story. These people never even went missing. Nothing happened. What is the story? Maybe the moral is we should get hysterical when someone goes missing for 30 minutes. If anything this article feeds into baseless fears and unwarranted hysteria.

    Bottom line is Shmorim mobilized an unnecessary search effort. No one was ever missing yet this makes the front page.

  • whatever

    it’s not very newsworthy. it could have simply been written as follows: “make sure you know where you’re children, family, and friends are when they go out. there were two small incidents this past weekend which could have easily been avoided…. ” etc.


  • The long short story

    it may be news but it wasn’t written well.

    The huge picture is misleading. (it portrays the idea that something really big took place) when in fact it was only a scare.

    Also, It could have been written in one small paragraph as a friendly reminder from Shomrim, not as a huge story.

  • m.s.

    if u dont like the article dont read it and its already put up so u cant change anything. plus, if ur just gonna argue like that then dont go on at all.

  • Search and Rescue

    Imagine this:

    Its Friday night, you have a new guest staying over with you who went to eat someplace, now imagine them not coming back Friday night and by the time Shabbos day comes around and the guest still doesn’t show up, so you grow concerned and you take a walk over to where your guest went to eat and find out that she left last night to your place.

    What do you do now? Brush it off? Ignore it?

    For all those of you careless people such as “Anonymous” and other naysayers, what if this was more than just ending up at someone else’s house without notifying anyone?

    In cases of missing people the first hours of search are critical in finding the missing in good health, the more time draws on the more likely it is the story would end in tragedy. If Chas Vesholom YOU went missing wouldn’t YOU like the people that care for you to jump the gun ad start the search as early as possible?

  • Isreali Soldeir (chabadnik)

    the first case is definitely newsworthy, fact is the girl did go missing as far as her roommates and family was concerned she wasn’t seen for over 15 hrs. just b/c she was found BH safe at the end doesn’t mean that it wasn’t an emergency at the time and therefore should be newsworthy.

    The second case i cant speak for the mother should know better then that!!!

    Thank you to Shomrim for taking time out of there holey shabbos to help another Jew in distress.

  • sh

    Bottom line: Shomrim are there and are willing to help people in distress when others dont give a hoot.

    Thank you all for your work and dedication to helping people in any situation.

  • T.

    As I read the story (my initial thoughts were that something dreadful must have happened to the girl), and then found out that she was at a FRIEND’S(?!) house, I felt such dismay. How could this girl have been so thoughtless and egotistical and cause such chaos? I really hope this is a lesson for life not just to her but to all kids.

  • yasher koach

    Thank you shomrim for helping and doing an amazing job at taking care of crown heights.These are the things that make the rebbe proud!Ahvas yisrel at its best.

  • should know some responsibility

    I agree with “T.” one hundred percent! the girl should have stopped at her apartment to let her roomates know first. or if that was impracticle, she should have sent them a message with somebody that was trustworthy. To just change your plans like that-especially since she couldn’t call them-was simply irresponsible. Somebody at the age of 19 should know better. It’s sad to see that somebody that age would act with such irresonsiblity…