New Plaque Dedicated in Memory of Detective Russell Timoshenko

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Monday, Police brass and Officers, community activist and leaders along with residents attended a plaque dedication ceremony in front of the 71st precinct this morning. The plaque commemorates the honorable duty Detective Timoshenko did while serving the NYPD and losing his life in the line of duty, the plaque will be mounted on the precinct wall alongside other officers that have lost their life in the line of duty while serving in the 71st precinct.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

In attendance was the Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly, Brooklyn South Chief Joseph Fox and the new 71st precinct commanding officer, Deputy Inspector Peter Simonetti. Also in attendance were all of the 47 new rookies in 71st precinct.


  • Never knew

    Why did we not know about this before, it could’ve been a big Kidush Lubavitch if more Anash would be there.

  • boruch hoffinger

    Sad and tragic.
    The results of a violent and materialistic society.
    The outcroppings of a society where the leaders have no wisdom. The dregs of a society which doesn’t observe the 7 Noahide Law.
    May the ‘leaders’ gain wisdom.

  • JJ

    the officers wear white gloves as part of their ceremonial uniform.

    I was there and I was happy to see about 10 community members showing respect to Officer Timoshenko.It would have been nice if this was publicized more so that our community could have had the chance to have more people attend.

    I am usually the first person to complain when the cops do something wrong . It is only fair that we as a community thank the cops and show respect when they do something right.

    Officer Timoshenko is a hero.He sacrificed his life protecting our community.May Hashem console his famiily and bless his memory.