Young Talent in Crown Heights
CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — They are 18 boys, all local, from different schools, but mainly from ‘Darchei Menachem’, they are “The Sparks”. Lately, aside from their singing and voice coaching, they are also learning to play various musical instruments as part of their act on stage.
More pictures in the Extended Article!
R Danny Finkelman, Choir director, is giving these boys a rare opportunity to develop their musical talents.

ydm fan
ydm you did it again
This is great. Give kids a creative outlet and they shine.
So great and needed!
its about time a yeshivah is doing something healthy like this!!!!
Cutest and smartest thing happening in CH for the longest time! Boruch Hashem – oif besuros tovos!
CH resident
Someone at Darchei Menachem has got it right! Finally, someone thinking outside the box. capitalizing on creative talent is so character building and (yes) therapeutic – like, relaxing – something we desperately need in this fast paced world. also, the music will help them get in touch with their heart and soul – gevaldik.
tremendous yesher koach.
Is this open to any boys from different yeshivas, or only darchai menachem? It’s a great program and creative outlet for the kids. Let them feel good and proud of their accomplishments and skills!
Kop Doktar
Have we lost our moral compass?! Some of our schools pride themself to be “al taharas hakodesh” – secular studies forbidden…so no math, science, history, reading or writing, that’s not pure kedusha…even though some children would shine in those areas (not to mention, that they will be better prepared to join the workforce or even shlichus)… but THIS is okay??!!
There’s a word for it in the English language. It’s called “hypocracy”!
To Kop Doktor:
To attack one must first think…
The thing that is wrong with secular studies in twofold:1) It wastes your time from learning. 2) It fills your head with shtussim.
For playing music the latter doesn’t apply only the former. Halachicly there are many instances where one may do things other then learning, for instance if that thing is crucial to the successof the learning that follows.
Only ot do this officially they probably asked a Rov or Mashpia.
Enough said.
Kop Doktar
To Think – This program offends on both counts: time wasted from learning -no question there, and you claim that the latter doesn’t apply (filling one’s head with shtussim), but everyone in the music industry knows, it is full of shtussim, something nearly impossible to avoid – and there is no need to elaborate about rock and heavy metal etc.
If any Rov or Mashpia endorsed the program – let them step forward with their hechsher. To me, this program is pandering to those who seek “creative outlets for their children to shine” – even when it goes off the tracks of “al taharas hakodesh”. Shalach T’shalach es HaEm – there’s sometimes a need to ignore the smothering of misguided motherly love.
It is well known fact that Rabbi Michoel Teilelbaum OBM was against OT?oholei Menachem students going to BOWLING (!!), since it fills the child’s mind with an activity that isn’t al taharas hakodesh.
I’m not saying kablu datee – but at least check our moral compass and avoid hypocracy!
Call A Spade a Spade
To Think: I read your comment and I read Kop Doktar’s comment. His comment rang of truth, while yours had the thud of a drey kop.
I am far from a chassidishe farfrumt type, and i have no problem with music or secular studies or even movies, but let me tell you this: I can sense words of truth and can smell falsehoods.
The “Kop Doktar” versus the “Drey Kop” – now THAT’S FUNNY!!
What-s wrong with music??????
Kop Doktar:
Ever heard of niggunim?
We wouldn’t have any music of those to listen to if people weren’t taught to play an instrument.
Old timer
To What’s Wrong with Music –
You claim, “We wouldn’t have any music of those [niggunim] to listen to if people weren’t taught to play an instrument.”
Let me assure you that many chassidishe niggunim were composed by chassidim of yesteryear who never touched a musical instrument.
We can always find excuses and justifications to avoid the emes.