Hundreds of Bochurim Learn in Unison

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Around 1000 Bochurim from three Yeshivos in Crown Heights gathered in 770 last night, and studied in unison. Bochurim from Lubavitcher Yeshiva Chovevei Torah, Oholei Torah and Lubavitch Yeshiva 770 sat in downstairs 770, in place of their regular Zal, for Night Seder. The Bochurim sat and learned the last Maamer the Rebbe distributed “V’atta Tetzaveh”.

The gathering was organized by the Hanholas of the Yeshivos.

More pictures in the Extended Article!


  • Beautiful!!

    Ashreinu Mah Tov Chelkeinu!!
    How lucky we are to be the Rebbe’s Chassidim!

  • sruli k

    beautiful! had i known i known about this earlier.. i wouldve joined the bochurim. there is something to be said about many people learning the same thing together, as the Rebbe explained about the daily shiur rambam etc..

  • We Want Moshiach Now- Yechi Hamelech!

    This is so beautiful! Seeing all the yeshivos learning together- such achdus! This will definitely bring Moshiach Now!

  • Resident

    This Is real achdus and a great idea.Thank You principals for putting in the efforts to make this happen .Its a nice change for the boys too. Maybe it should be done on more occasions

  • wowed out

    moshiach is comin right now 4sure!!!!!
    im so impressed
    lubavitch is amazing.beleve me,i no both crowds and lubavitch is always most full of achdus.