Thief Caught Red Handed by Shomrim Hoshana Raba, Pulled A Blade and Threatened To Kill
by CrownHeights.info
A female thief is facing charges after she was caught red-handed by Crown Heights Shomrim and decided to pull a blade and threaten to kill.
The incident began in the early hours of Hoshana Raba when Israeli guests from Israel arrived at their lodgings to find two women rummaging through their stuff. The women were quick to deny they stole anything and fled as fast as they could. After a few minutes, the Israeli guests realized that their stuff had been stolen and contacted Crown Heights Shomrim.
The volunteers of Crown Heights Shomrim began canvassing the area and quickly tracked down one of the thieves, who was still in possession of the stolen items.
Facing the volunteers, the woman decided to pull out a razor blade and began threatening to kill the volunteers, and their families. The police officers arriving to the scene were less than happy to hear the threats.
The thief was cuffed and arrested by the police with the stolen items returned.
“Early Hosha’ana Rabba morning, at approximately 4 a.m., our volunteers responded regarding a female who stole multiple packages from a building lobby,” Crown Heights Shomrim wrote on social media. “Multiple volunteers canavassed, and located the thief who still had some of the stolen items, as well as tools and a blade in her possession. She was promptly placed under arrest by @NYPD77PCT.”

Looks like a senior citizen. Poverty must be rampant in Crown Heights. In Crown Heights the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. And the middle class is fast sinking to poverty
Plenty of poor people don’t steal, and plenty of rich people do. Has nothing to do with income level, but with the basic middos that are taught in some circles but not in others.
meyer chein
In proverbs (mishle) Perekk 30 pasuk 9 King Shlomo says ” If I get rich I will deny you, and if poor, i will steal” I wonder why they called Shlomo the wisest of men. When your wisdom is greater. The Rabbis must have gotten it wrong
Try to learn a little more
And you’ll find a mashal presented to Shlomo’s father David about a rich man stealing from a poor one (Shmuel 2:12:4). Then you can look up a Midrash (quoted in Menoras Hamaor and Reishis Chochmah) that speaks of “a rich person who steals” as something that “cannot be endured by anyone.” Did they not know what Shlomo wrote? Of course they did, but you see, unlike you they lived in the real world.
A real Jew
Don’t waste time talking to a dude named BS who is talking BS
meyer chein
You are wiser than Shlomo. The Hazal were wrong when they said that Sholomo was the wises man. They did not know about you who lives now Shlomo did not know when he wrote the pasuk about his father like you vow you know more than him about his father. Amazing!
No, I’m not “wiser than Shlomo,” nor claiming to be, since what I’m saying (and the sources I cited) doesn’t contradict him in the slightest. He doesn’t say “rich people don’t steal”; that’s a figment of your imagination, and there isn’t the slightest reason that I or anyone with common sense should respect that.