Lubavitcher Punched In The Face On Eastern Parkway in Unprovoked Assault


A Lubavitcher conversing with a guest on Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights was assaulted Shabbos afternoon and punched in the face.

The incident took place after 1:00pm on Eastern Parkway at the intersection of Brooklyn Ave as the two were conversing on the corner. A non-Jewish woman riding an electric scooter suddenly cut between them and pumped them out of the way.

The Jewish victim turned to the woman and asked her is she was ok, according to a report, and that apparently triggered her to violence.

Surveillance video obtained by Crown Heights Shomrim shows as the woman stops and turns around, approaches the Lubavitcher and gets in his face. As can ben seen in the video, words were exchanged between the two before the woman punching him hard in the face.

As shocked witnesses froze, the woman nonchalantly hopped back on her scooter and rode down Brooklyn Ave towards Union Street.

A group of Bochurim quickly began chasing after her but it was tool late, she turned onto Union Street towards Kingston Ave and disappeared.

The victim suffered minor injuries in the assault.


  • Bubby

    Hope police catch this vile woman today! Bubby’s advice, who grew up around mentally ill people: Emor me’at, aseh harbeh. Protect yourself — DON’T TALK to gentile strangers, just in case they’re deranged! Don’t ask if they’re ok. Don’t tell an Uber driver to turn down the sound. DON’T RESPOND if they yell slurs. But someone chase down them if they attack!

  • Ben Weinstein

    In a Zoo you must follow the rules, as the signs says “Don’t feed the animals”, if not, you will suffer the consequence.