Serial Purse Snatchers On The Prowl In Jewish Neighborhoods, Hit Crown Heights Thursday


A pair of purse snatchers are on the prowl in Jewish neighborhoods, targeting Boro Park, Crown Heights and Williamsburg.

“Earlier today, these two perpetrators on a moped snatched a purse off a woman’s shoulders and sped off towards Williamsburg, where they did it again. They have also committed this crime in Boro Park,” Crown Heights Shomrim wrote. “Please be vigilant, and if you see something, say something by calling Shomrim at 718-774-3333 in real time.”

According to reports, a Jewish woman was walking in the area of Albany Ave and Empire Blvd Thursday afternoon, when a moped with two people on the back came up behind her and one of them snatched her purse from her hands.

Acting quickly, the woman called 911 and then Crown Heights Shomrim, notifying them of the theft and giving a description. Both the NYPD and Shomrim immediately began canvassing the area looking for the thieves, but as the two had fled towards Williamsburg, the chances of catching them were slim.

A half hour later, the crew struck again, this time targeting a victim in Williamsburg. Williamsburg Shomrim responded to that call and quickly put the two incidents together. After further investigation, it was also discovered that the crew had struck in Boro Park, making that the third Jewish community targeted.

Please be vigilant, and if you see something, say something by calling Shomrim at 718-774-3333 in real time.

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