PSA: Watch Your Cars, Catalytic Converter Thefts Reported in Crown Heights


Catalytic Converter thefts, a much loves pastime of criminals looking for worthwhile look to steal, have again been reported in the Crown Heights area, with the most recent taking place last night on E91st Street.

A homeowner was awoken at 4:40am to the sound of grinding metal, and after first ensuring that no one was attempting to break into his home, he checked his security camera recordings and watched as a pair of criminals targeted a car across from his home, stripping the vehicle of its catalytic converter in a matter of minutes.

The pair appears quite unhurried, completing their entire theft without running, and even standing nonchalantly as another vehicle drives by.

Estimates on Catalytic Converter thefts claim that there were around 153,000 thefts last year, leading to a surge in enforcement against the thefts and a corresponding decrease in reports on the thefts. Still, these thugs are still on the loose and working in the area of Crown Heights.

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