Morning Assault In Crown Heights Being Investigated As Hate Crime
by CrownHeights.info
An assault this morning on Empire Blvd in which a Jewish woman was tripped and send sprawling to the floor is being investigated by the NYPD Hate Crimes Task Force, CrownHeights.info has learned.
As previously reported by CrownHeights.info, video of the incident obtained by Crown Heights Shomrim show the man, wearing a blue shirt, as he crosses Bedford Ave on Empire Blvd around 10:10am and walks by a Jewish woman walking in the opposite direction. Without any outward sign or saying a word, the man veers towards her and trips her, sending her sprawling to the floor.
Crown Heights Shomrim and the police were immediately called and the volunteers of Shomrim kicked into gear.
Video footage was obtained and sent to the police, who notified the Hate Crimes Task Force who took on the investigation.
Hatzalah also responded and transported the victim to Maimonides Hospital.
Crown Heights Shomrim is reminding the community for residents to be aware of their surroundings and to call Crown Heights Shomrim and 911 immediately. If you see something, say something.