Repeat Shoplifter Arrested In Koshertown With The Help of Shomrim


The manager of Koshertown Supermarket in Crown Heights had enough of a shoplifter who come to use the store as their personal free shopping center and took action, calling Crown Heights Shomrim the next time he was spotted lifting in the store.

Just moments after the call was made, the first of multiple Shomrim volunteers entered the store, distracting the shoplifter and keeping him on scene as the police responded.

As other shoppers continued making their purchases without disturbance, the police showed up and collected evidence against the shoplifter, ultimately deciding that the evidence was conclusive and arrested the thief.

According to a source familiar with the matter, the thief had been caught no less than five times previously shoplifting from the store.

Evidence in hand, the thief was taken to the 71st Precinct where he will hopefully answer for his crimes.


  • What's the Cause

    Why did he shoplift ? Thrillseeker ? Drug addict ? Homeless ? Mental health issue ? Poor ? Hungry ? Did he just want to a photo-op in CHinfo ? Where does he live that might give us clues ? Does he live in a group home or was he stealing for his family and wasnt aware of programs ? Answers to these may point towards a solution and prevention going forward.