Marketplace Shoplifter Gets Free Ride To Precinct After Being Caught By Shomrim Hiding Under A Porch


Another petty criminal discovered that residents of Crown Heights are fed up crime when she was caught shoplifting from the Marketplace in Crown Heights and busted hiding under a porch.

Crown Heights Shomrim released a notice of the arrest, saying “A fast response by our volunteers in collaboration with responding @NYPD71Pct officers results in one subject under arrest for shoplifting from a local supermarket.” While that is the story, it’s missing the best parts.

The store manager of the Marketplace called Crown Heights Shomrim Tuesday when he realized that a group of three woman were shoplifting from the store. Acting fast, he called Shomrim as he watched the group. Shomrim volunteers responded quickly, and were able to follow the group after confirming that on of the group had, in fact, shoplifted.

The store manager followed the shoplifter from the store, confronting her and demanding the return of the stolen items, which after a few minutes he did in fact get. Meanwhile, the shoplifting group had created a ruckus, causing a distraction and making the area unsafe for the volunteers. With the stolen items returned, the volunteers and store manager left and the group dispersed.

But one crucial fact had had not been missed by one eagle eyed Shomrim volunteer. While two of the shoplifting group had in fact left, the third, the one who actually shoplifted, had slipped away during the ruckus and had hidden herself somewhere on the block. Not in a rush, the volunteer sat back unobtrusively and waited.

The Shomrim volunteer’s patients paid off when after a few minutes the shoplifter drifted out from between two houses and slipped across the street, quickly making her way behind a home on Empire Blvd. The police were called, and armed with the whereabouts of the shoplifter they made their way behind the homes and found the shoplifter hiding under a porch.

The police placed the shoplifter under arrest and gave her a drive, free of charge, to the 71st precinct.

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