Two Thugs Looking For Trouble in Crown Heights Harass Person and Attempt To Hold Up Store, Fail Spectacularly
by CrownHeights.info
Two masked thugs looking for trouble in Crown Heights found some on Sunday, harassing a person and attempting to hold up a store.
Crown Heights Shomrim received a call regarding the two after they attempted to force their way into a store on Empire Blvd just off Brooklyn Ave. They failed as the door was locked and they could not get inside.
From there the duo went on a search for mischief. With Shomrim on their trail, the two entered a Crown Heights store, Primo Hatters on Kingston Ave, where resident Shloimy Rotter came face to face with the two thugs. The pair made a “request” for some money they saw in a Tzedaka box on the store’s counter. Rotter, who was having none of it, stood up and told the pair that the money box was a Charity Box. Faced with an unafraid Rotter, the two quickly made their way back outside and attempted to harass a Jewish boy. A Crown Heights Shomrim volunteer who was there, ended the attempt quickly, and the pair turned tail and ran out of Crown Heights.
If you See Something, Say Something! Crown Heights Shomrim – (718) 774-3333
Yossi A.
Are these the same 2 hoodlums that were at railroad pizza the other day??
Just wondering.
I was thinking the same thing.
Wake up crown heights….
Mendel Minkoff
Send the video to Al Sharpton.
Go Shlomie!!!! He scared them away immediately!!! Don’t mess with Shlomie Rotter!!!!
Handled it like a gever! It’s about time we didn’t act like whimps!
I don’t think this was such a big deal really. The ‘thugs’ looked simply like neophyte teenage beginners with little or no prior true criminal experience. It definitely was not the professional crooks that appeared physically bigger, tougher and meant serious business at the pizza shop.