Shomrim Nab Car Vandal!
CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] – Last night Shomrim received a call from three alert Yidden who witnessed a Black male punch and damage a parked car for no apparent reason. The witnesses called Shomrim who responded and followed the perp until police arrived.
The incident took place on Albany Avenue between Crown and Montgomery, where the perp just randomly punched a parked car and dented the rear quarter panel. The car belonged to Jewish residents but did not appear to have been selected because of that.
More pictures in the Extended Article!
In an amazing work of cooperation and collaboration between Police and Shomrim the perp was picked up on Eastern Pkwy and Kingston Avenue after he was positively identified by the witnesses.
Police then brought the perp back to the scene and asked the owners of the vehicle if they absolutely wanted to press charges, as the perp was willing to ‘make amends’, but after all the recent incidents of violence the owner said that “unfortunately I can not in good conscience not follow through and press charges, so today they punched a car, and tomorrow he will punch a person” she said.
CrownHeights.info would like to commend the owner of the car for following through with the charges after the effort of many Shomrim members who followed the perp and kept an eye on him until police arrived and took the perp into custody.
If you see something say something, never hesitate to call 911 and Shomrim at (718) 774-3333 24/7

Tha’s one strong behema!!
G-d bless the car owner. This is the only way the crimes perpetrated by these thugs will come to an end.
Kol HaKavod for contributing to the entire community’s safety..
good for him
serves him right!!!!!!
the car owner made a smart decision.
Kudos NYPD MOS!!
Thanks to the NYPD for the quick response and action!
thank NYPD
Iff NYPD is always like this crown heights will be safer. thanks to NYPD and Shomrim.
boruch ben tzvi hakohaine hoffinger
If the Blacks catch him, he’s finished.
Perhaps, we should post photos of all car burglar-vandals around Crown Heights. Two Black home owners told me that they would kill him. After that they told me a story about how a Black car burglar was shot to death in Jamaica.
Yashar koach to the woman who pressed charges!!
Go shomrim, always working HARD to make our neighborhood safe!!!
Thank god for shomrim!! thats so good that they caught him!!!
to the car owner
Thank You for pressing charges, it’ll minimize the need in the future, hopefully.
This WOMAN car owner is more determined than most guys round here. Most of our husbands/sons wouldn’t be bothered…that’s why these hoodlums keep getting away with things like this. And the next stage is mugging, burglary, armed robbery & so on.
Good job, lady! Thanks!!
Can anyone explain why the police tried to convince the victim not to press charges. Arent the police required to arrest someone who commits a crime – or is it not a crinme to damage someone else’s property. Are they required to file a police report if the person does not wish to file charges.
isreali soldier (chabadnik/EMT)
many cops do it theys days the are lazy and dont want to file the paper work so when a perp says "im sorry i wont do it agian" (BS) they believe him and try to make us not prss charges and then they look down on us when we go through with it. iv heard one cop say to anouther at a scene "ahh dont bother trying to convince them" as if we are doing something wrong by pressing charges when a poor svartze steals from us and breaks our property.
annoyed but glad someone got caught
maybe that’s where the mysterious bangs on my car came from…
I had my car window smashed and air bag computer stolen I’m glad the Shomrim caught this guy way to go !!! I hope he will do some time in jail and leran his lesson! one perp down how many more to go……