Another Crown Heights Package Thief Gets Cuffed Thanks To Shomrim


A homeless man wandering the streets and porches of the Crown Heights Jewish community felt the pinch Wednesday after being caught red handed stealing packages.

The elderly and bearded man was reported as occupying a porch that did not belong to him Wednesday, and when Crown Heights Shomrim arrived, they found that he had done more than just occupy space.

Caught red handed, the man was forced to face the music for package thefts, and was placed under arrest by the police.


  • Hillel

    You know what would make this article much less upsetting?
    Reading that a bunch of Chabadniks went and bailed the guy out of jail, bought him some food and good quality brand-new clothes, and then made sure he was set up with a comfortable bed in a decent, safe homeless shelter.
    Midas Sdom here. The poor man! Some rachmunes!

  • Baruch

    I recognize that guy’s hair. If I’m not mistaken, I see him all the time by Mikvah Meir.