Menorah Vandalized Post Chanukah In Camden, England


A post Chanukah vandalism in Camden, England is under investigation by the local police after a public Chabad Menorah was broken and thrown down in a public square.

“I’m the Rabbi who worked so hard to put this Menorah as a symbol of light,” wrote Rabbi Yossi Baitz, the Shliach to Kentish Camden-Town, London. “It breaks my heart to see it vandalized.”

While the vandalism was reported to the police and is now under investigation as a possible hate crime, Rabbi Baitz made it clear that the vandalism would not deter him.

“I promise to put this Menorah again every Hanukkah,” he wrote. “We will never surrender to darkness.”

The incident made local headlines, prompting local officials to weigh in.

“Chilling to see anti-Semitic violence strike the heart of our community yet again,” Camden Councillor Oliver Cooper said in a statement. “Hanukkah is about the light banishing the darkness. But my goodness there’s a lot of darkness about.”