Unprovoked Assault on Jewish Man in Crown Heights

by CrownHeights.info

A Jewish man walking on New York Ave in Crown Heights was assaulted by a man in a completely unprovoked incident.

The assault took place Wednesday morning on New York Ave near Winthrop Street when a hispanic looking man randomly approached a Jewish man walking to the train and hit him in the head with his hand.

The shocked victim began following his assailant, notifying Crown Heights Shomrim and calling 911.

Having notified the police, the victim detained his assailant, who is believed to have been under the influence of a substance, and kept him on scene until the police arrived and arrested him.

The assault comes following a sudden spike in local crimes, with a Jewish woman having been held up at knifepoint in her own building and another Jewish man the victim of a violent threatening rant in a local post office.

In both of those cases the police took a report, and in the case of the post office rant, notified the Hate Crimes Task Force to investigate.