Attempted Mugging of Hatzalah Member in Crown Heights
by CrownHeights.info
A Hatzalah volunteer found himself “under the gun” in a new way Monday night when two males attempted to mug him in Crown Heights.
The volunteer had just parked his car on Maple Street at 11:00pm Monday night when two black males approached him. According to the victim, the males came uncomfortably close to him as he was crossing the street, and one of them began demanding he hand over the keys to his car.
After a moment of confusion, the volunteer began running away and screaming for help. The two perpetrators, described as being tall black males wearing dark-colored clothing, began chasing the victim, yelling that they had a gun.
After chasing the victim briefly, the two perpetrators abandoned their pursuit and fled the scene.
Crown Heights Shomrim volunteers received the call for help and responded along with Hatzalah. Thankfully the victim was uninjured.
The police responded as well, taking a report of the incident. It remains unclear how serious they will be taking the attempted mugging or if they will be investigating further.