Crown Heights, Brooklyn — Blood and spent bullets were seen scattered around at the intersection of Crown and Brooklyn this Shabbos afternoon.

According to eye witnesses two cars pulled up to the intersection where shouting and yelling was exchanged between the occupants of the two vehicles followed by gun shots.

The incident took place at around 1:00 in the afternoon where witnesses described a white van and a red sedan pulling alongside each other and exchange some shouting and two gun shots rang out.

Gunshots on Crown and Brooklyn, Shabbos Afternoon

Crown Heights, Brooklyn — Blood and spent bullets were seen scattered around at the intersection of Crown and Brooklyn this Shabbos afternoon.

According to eye witnesses two cars pulled up to the intersection where shouting and yelling was exchanged between the occupants of the two vehicles followed by gun shots.

The incident took place at around 1:00 in the afternoon where witnesses described a white van and a red sedan pulling alongside each other and exchange some shouting and two gun shots rang out.

One vehicle fled the scene going straight down Crown St towards New York Ave while the other remained on scene for a short minute only to flee as well going down Brooklyn Ave

Police was called and according to people that had gathered at the scene it took them over 20 minutes to respond when they did a level one mobilization was initiated and an Evidence Collection Team was requested.

Two shell casings and one mangled bullet was recovered from the scene, there was also some blood drops at the scene too. received unconfirmed reports that one person turned up in Kings County Hospital with a gun shot wound and may be related to this incident.


  • against the violence

    If these police don’t get their act together Crown Heights is going to become crime riddled!!! It has to be taken care of. It’s not a joke!!!

  • .L.

    It took an estimated 20 minutes for police to come-according to eye witnesses. I cannot comment b/c I was not there, but I sure hope that in actuality that never occured.

    Please be vigilant if you are near a crime scene. Children might think it’s a real life action moment and are often mesmerized. Having said that, they need to be made aware that some people use guns and most often than not, innocent bystanders become the victim.

    Call the police and let the trained professionals handle it.


  • anon

    crazie how people these ays get in an aruent an then get other people in volved

  • Ch res

    At that time on Shabbos, Yidden going to & from Shul could have been hurt in crossfire. B”H all Yidden are safe. Nasty…and just a couple of blocks from those lazy donut-chomping cops @ the 71.

    And it took 20 mins to respond? We pay taxes here! Give us better service than what we get now.

  • afraid

    this is soooo scary!this is like in the center of ch and its such a safe block.when will this stop?

  • concerned

    it seems that things are being mishandled here to have this many incidents. We didnt have this when Guliani was here did we?
    We must now warn our children to stay away when theres a shoot out?? HaShem Yishmor.
    We must all watch out for one another. If we hear something like shooting, look outside and see if there are Yidden outside that need to come in.

  • nn

    i was there. it took 15 min. for cops to show up. then they come out as if they were doing the crowd a big favor by coming. lazy cops. i say the 71st prc. should be only yidden from CH.

  • Unsafe

    To afraid “and its such a safe block” no block in CH is safe because the police don’t patrol anywhere the only place they are is in the station & when they get a call they go out(sometimes almost an hour late)so when they come to a a crime they never catch the crook because the crook fled a long time before they came.

  • Chaim

    20 minutes! so they could be shooting for 20 minutes in till the cops would come this is crazy it is gun shots not a mugging that by a mugging the cops come 20 minutes late come on someone could of gotten killed the cops need to come within 1 minute not 20!!!

  • Crown St

    Oh my gosh I went there 2 minutes after it happened & it was so scary, it took a year for the police to come.

  • Mushkie

    Now because of this the police is going to most probably put more police on Crown & Kingston & Crown & Brooklyn yes we also need cops there but first put them by Troy Schenectady & that side of Crown Heights because that is where we really need it not on Kingston.

  • manchester police are faster

    HELP wat the hell even english police are quicker the that

  • madd

    why should the police rush into ongoing gunfire, and get killed, for the shabby pay they get, perhaps if they got a higher salary they’d be more willing to die.

  • mmmmmm

    gunshots, white van. sounds familiar. what’s the descriprion of the van? like on the Efraim Klein HYD posters?

  • mushka

    i know someone that saw it happen it was terrifying she was walking to her own babies kiddush scary! (she was crying)

  • qkfngers

    Why is everyone so shocked.. we do live in the ghetto, in the “hood.” look around you this is no suburban calm environment. This is hard-core living here. Remind me again why we live here?

  • MARK

    Why do Yidden stay in the ghetto? It reminds me of New York in the 70’s. The Jews were forced to live in the Warsaw ghetto but no one is forcing Jews to stay in Crown Heights. I hate knowing that Jews are living in a war zone and are in danger.