Father of Two Was Murdered over Pair of Sneakers
The Crown Heights father of two who was killed early Tuesday morning on St. Johns Place near Schenectady Avenue was murdered by an ex-con over his ‘Air Jordan’ sneakers, the New York Daily News reports.
From the NY Daily News:
An ex-con once accused of stealing shoes is on the run after fatally blasting a man in a Brooklyn barbecue after an argument about designer sneakers, cops said.
Donald Proudfoot, 27, a convicted burglar who was paroled in 2013, was busted in November on charges he choked his girlfriend, then stole three pairs of designer sneakers from her apartment. On Tuesday, cops say, he may have killed a man over a pair of Air Jordans.
Proudfoot shot Sam Cosmore, 46, once in the chest just before 1:40 a.m. on St. Johns’s Place near Schenectady Ave. in Crown Heights, the same block where Proudfoot lives, cops said. Cosmore’s name was incorrect in initial reports.
“We believe it’s over something about a pair of Air Jordan sneakers,” NYPD Chief of Detectives Robert Boyce said. “We don’t know what happened with it.”
dont get it
how come he was out if in nov he was charged..
my my where do I begin here…
1) no pun intended,, his name is what ???
proudfoot, !!!!!!
2) “Cosmore’s name was incorrect in initial reports”
um ok….. and what was or should be his name,,, just asking. or is that privleged info..??..
arent they ashamed of saying they made a mistake on his name,,
3) in 2013 arrested for burglary, November arrested for choking his GF and stealing pairs of sneakers, now shooting and killing a guy for a lousy pair of AirJordons..
whats next.. the only thing he didnt do yet is kill himself,, thats what it will take to get him off the streets.
btw. he lives close to 100’s of jewish families, disgusted frustrated and appauled as the Jewish community. still havent heard much from JCCCH leaders heads rabbies.
how disgraceful.
mario mendoza
jccc leaders ? are you kidding
what leaders ? takers is more like it , funds / housing / programs / all for them selfs
the community gets
tickets from every section of the city . with minunim services
and top of that the blacks think we get every thing
Where is all the big mouths from his race to come out and say something bunch of lowlifes over a pair of shoes
DeClasse' Intellectual
#Itis the culture of the times; You think it is bad in New York just go to Chicago and Obama’s stomping grounds. Record number of murders in May and no leadership from him who will not even say something about the election riots because of political correctness
Mario Mendoza
Exactly my point. How sad indeed.
This is so sad, a Father of two lost his life over a pair of sneakers, and now the kids are without a dad, how come nobody heard of this?