Man Forced to Buy Sandwiches at Knifepoint
A 44-year-old man was robbed at knifepoint in Crown Heights this week by a man who forced his victim to buy him two sandwiches, then ordered him to drain his bank account at a nearby ATM.
From DNAinfo by Rachel Holiday Smith:
The robbery took place around 6:30 p.m. on Aug. 10 as the victim was walking towards the Prospect Park train station. Along the way, the suspect threatened the man with a knife, forcing him to walk to the Associated supermarket on Franklin Avenue near Carroll Street.
The robber made the 44-year-old buy him two sandwiches at the grocery store before the pair went to a nearby cash machine. There, the suspect forced the man to enter his PIN code and take out everything he had.
The suspect made off with the two sandwiches and $137.
But you go ahead and keep on paying $1,000,000 for homes in a crime ridden, filthy, noisy, marshal law laden he**-hole, where cops are about as decent as the Gestapo and where Herr De-Blasio is about as reasonable and mentchlich as a Hitler Youth.
While we losers west of the Hudson enjoy awesome comfort and calm and beauty and “quality” of life – oh, and where 10 miles takes 10 minutes to drive, not 60.
Ta, stop.it. just stop it.
Stop the gentrification.
to comment 1
you are not guaranteed anywhere either. So button up with your silly comments!
the Rebbe said to stay in Crown Heights
When did the Rebbe say that? In the 1960’s, when people were terrified to stay because they feared crime was taking over? Yes, if the residents then would have heeded the Rebbe’s words, things would be very different today.
In the meantime, when we asked for a siman that moving would be the right thing to do, the answer came a couple of weeks later. WE listened – and left.
To #6
Do not say anything for the Rebbe the rebbe knew what he was doing
Don't be so "J"
All those commenting to leave, are those who are envious that brooklyn is growing more hip by the day, and more expensive. Those who left, missed out on the opportunity to buy here. Keep ur cheap homes, and boring communities. We love brooklyn!
It's good to know...
If G-d forbid this does happen to anyone at an ATM, put your pin code in backwards and it alerts the police
Uh, no it doesn’t. Why spread false information?
How did he get $137 out of a bank machine?