Two 10-Year-Olds Mug Grandmother in Crown Heights
Two 10-year-olds robbed a 67-year-old woman on a Crown Heights street corner on Monday afternoon, police said. The senior was at Empire Boulevard and Rogers Avenue at 2 p.m. when five tykes approached her, the youngest aged 4, according to the Daily News.
The victim thought they were asking for change, and was prepared to give it to them when the prepubescent pair allegedly demanded her bag instead. The two kids grabbed her purse and, when she wouldn’t let go, police say one punched her in the face. The other three children weren’t involved in the robbery.
Gothamist reports that cops found the suspects nearby and one allegedly put up a fight while being arrested. Both reportedly face juvenile robbery charges, and one was hit with an additional rap for resisting arrest. A police spokesman said he did not have charging information, but that the children were released to their parents.
Click here to read the full story at The NY Daily News, and here to read at The Gothamist.
So insane
This behavior is absurd!!! At 10years old to do such a thing? Im sorry but where are the parents? Just plain ridiculous!!
So insane
This is absolutely absurd im so horrified at 10 years old? Wow they really have a bright future in and out of prison! Where are there parents?
poor kids
I feel bad for them. Who’s teaching them how to behave? It’s so sad that this is all they know… (liberal speaking or sarcastic conservative)
CH Resident
Horrible story. Were they Yids ?
Oholei Torah students, no doubt. :-)
CH mother...
Absolutely correct.
shaking my head
what is the world coming to
FOSTER CARE was made for kids like this
the children were released to their parents.
Their parents didn’t take care of them till now.
I bet these are kids who were brought into this world only so their welfare-mom with a missing baby-daddy could get a bigger apartment, and more welfare money.
FOSTER CARE was made for kids like this.
thas crazy
who taught tho li(tt)le kids how to steal so yang
to #4. Really???
chanon gelber
the cops are stupid why did not the parents keep there kids in jail since they robbed a woman
To #5
Your comment is not appropriate and is not nice u should be embarrassed and apologize to the crown heights community for putting down children and a yeshiva for senseless hatred
Uh, please refer to https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarcasm
then post back.
to MSW
I agree. What are they doing about this????
these innocent children, left alone without a support system, are vulnerable to negative and lawless influences. This goes back ultimately to the mayor, who is really being a Liberal about most issues, which does nothing much.
awacs, millhouse,etc
do these guys look at articles more than once just in case someone answerd them.
Not sure of your question, but i’m flattered you put me together with milhouse. FWIW, i believe he’s a lawyer, too.
why is the reporter scared to delve into news details….say…idk….oh gee let’s see…..maybe report on which COLOR they ppl were?
e.g. if white kids robbed a black bubby, you can BET news12/ny1(cnn?) would be ALL OVER THIS….juss sayinn….
yes,yes, i know all the trolls will now wake up but hey , lets not sugarcoat reality i.e. as in ive NEVER heard of the afromentoned scenario………..v”dal…v”Akamal
to 18
When the news trumpets the fact that an Orthodox Jew or a rabbi is arrested for a crime, then you say, what does his religion have to do with it? Must be anti semitic. But all of a sudden you want to make sure his race is mentioned.
When it comes to street crime, i want to know WHO is doing it, so i know who(m) to avoid.
For the average white collar crime, what do i care who does it? I have no way of protecting myself.
Otoh, if someone is arrested for molesting kids, i sure want to know who, and antisemitism a hin or a her.