On Friday morning, a woman walked into Kahan’s Superette on Kingston Ave. and began to enjoy a breakfast. She opened a package of food and started her meal, then exited the store with a jar of jam – without stopping by the checkout counter.

Shoplifter from Kahan’s Taken to Psych Ward

On Friday morning, a woman walked into Kahan’s Superette on Kingston Ave. and began to enjoy a breakfast. She opened a package of food and started her meal, then exited the store with a jar of jam – without stopping by the checkout counter.

A store clerk followed her out and demanded payment. Instead of returning the jar, she smashed it on the ground.

Police were called, and when they attempted to arrest her she went completely berserk, leading the cops to conclude that she is mentally unstable.

They called an EMS, and she was taken – in handcuffs – to the psychiatric unit of Kings County Hospital.


  • Anonim

    Probably high as a kite or suffering withdrawal symptoms/long-term damage from abusing some substance or another.

    No need to feel sorry, and every need to keep her the heck off the streets. Those who are merciful to the cruel are cruel to the merciful.

  • To #3-

    Are you putting that kind of ignorant comment in the name of a Lubavitch, a Chabad individual, a Jew, a human being, an ignorant person, or a racist? I am all of the first four, and I see you as both of the last two. There is no need for comments like yours, and no place for them from in a world where there ENOUGH prejudice. I suggest you go daven and search yourself to find a higher expression of Yiddishkeit. In the meantime, think about this: Do you like it when others make stereotypical comments or insults to Jews? Not all African Americans behave in one way. I am appalled that I am actually saying what should be OBVIOUS! That you do not know better is very worrisome.

  • To Uncle Mendel-

    If you were my uncle, I would want to disassociate myself from you. I do not want to have a racist relative for family. And so mean! Really? ARFican? How horrible. Where have you seen such racism elsewhere? In your shul? (I hope not.) You would be better off to remember a time when Jews were called names and worse. You know that was wrong, and you should know that blatant racism and stereotyping are WRONG! Do you even consider that there are African American people who never EVER condone theft, fighting etc.? And have you ever heard of a Jew committing theft or fighting? Please. Stop the nonsense. You do disservice to yourself, other Jews, other people, and Hashem.