Police Investigating Homeowner’s Death as a Homicide
A man was found dead this afternoon in the basement of his home, which is next door to the largest Jewish girls’ school in Crown Heights. Police are investigating the death as a homicide.
Parents picking up their children from Beis Rivkah on Lefferts Avenue noticed lots of police presence in the house next door to the school, at 430 Lefferts Avenue. Police sources tell CrownHeights.info that the home’s owner was found in the basement and he apparently had suffered blunt force trauma to his head.
Detectives from the 71st Precinct as well as from the Homicide Squad were all on scene and looking into the death, which they believe to be a homicide.
Property records list Rocco Abruzzses as the owner of the home, and neighbors said that he was a quiet guy who kept to himself and was a good neighbor.
It is unclear how long he has been dead for, or who found the body and alerted the police.
Yossi A
what does Homicide mean?
It’s when someone is killed by another person.
to #2
murder–Rachmana L’tzlon
it means he was murdered.
See, I knew I didn’t have to worry about my girls walking to school…
security cameras?
I hope Beis Rivkah cameras were working and they can review the video.
It means the killing of a person. (Technical name for murder.)
You know how to use the internet but it never occurred to you to google “homicide” instead of asking people to tell you.
Its called being intellectually lazy.
I hope they catch the person, so he can not hurt anyone else
Homicide does not necessarily mean “murder” because it includes ANY human death caused by another person.
An accidental death, if caused by another person, is also a homicide.
Providing an person with illicit drugs and the person OD’s is also a homicide.
Also assisted suicide is a homicide.
Also failing to provide the necessities of life is a homicide, such as, not providing heat and the victim freezes to death or if a caretaker did not provide necessary medications.
No 8
Perhaps he is a child who is not allowed to use Google. I don’t let my kids. You are also a child as you like to mock people.