Sicko Apprehended After Exposing Himself to Women
CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — A man was apprehended by Shomrim last night after he went for a ‘walk’ on President Street and exposed himself to multiple women – the last of which was witnessed by a number of Shomrim volunteers. Police arrested the man after a neighborhood-wide chase.
The incident unfolded at around 11:00pm; Shomrim’s emergency hotline rang with a frantic women on the other end, telling of a man who was walking around and exposing himself to Jewish women as they passed him by.
He was described as a black male, approximately 30 years of age, over six feet tall, slim build, wearing shorts and a white ‘wife beater.’
Shomrim volunteers were dispatched to the vicinity in hopes of catching this sicko, and they were rewarded with success a very short while later. On President Street he did it again to a mother and daughter who were walking together. Waiting for additional ‘backup’ and police assistance, Shomrim continued following him at a distance down Albany Avenue.
On Crown Street, a police officer who was on foot attempted to approach the suspect, but as she approached he bolted and fled down Kingston and hooked a right on Montgomery. Shomrim volunteers swarmed the area and headed him off as he ran right into their arms near Brooklyn Avenue.
Just as everyone began calming down and police officers began arriving to scene, the suspect – who reeked of booze – had other ideas and attempted to flee once again, assaulting two of the Shomrim volunteers in the process.
The suspect ran head first into one Shomrim volunteer as another grabbed his feet – with a police sergeant and officer jumping out of their squad car right behind them – and together they took him down to the ground, cuffed him and placed him under arrest.
Shomrim persuaded the reluctant women to press charges against the pervert since it would make a stronger case against him – rather than having only witnesses on the police report – and keep this sicko off the streets for longer.
The animals are everywhere
The variety of animals in the CH jungle is incredible.
Yes, be careful everyone. If you notice someone walking and when he sees you he change route towards you like crossing to be on your side of the street. BE AWARE.
This may have happened a few nights ago to us and we quickened our pace so quickly …………
So happy he was caught
It happened to me and my sister on president street this past week!!!!! Same person- same guy in the picture !! and I didn’t call any police because he saw where we live!!!! I’m so happy he was caught cuz I have fears of him!!!
this is most likely another un-dealt with issue, probably a guy who as a child, was not helped, maybe parents absent from home, skipped school with nobody noticing and Child Welfare never being notified. People don’t just end up this way because they had a healthy, loving home. The system failed and it reaches everyone. Lose-Lose situation
To #4
The “system” failed?
Which “system” are you referring to? The “system” of LIFE?
What a stupid, sick, apologetic, victim-hating, perpetrator-loving liberal you are.
I don’t care if his parents were abusive. A grown man is responsible for his own actions.
Lock him up and throw the away the #*%#ing key!
President St Resident
This guy tried to follow me into my building monday night…BH the door closed just in time.
Jewish dude
Nothing say’s more welcome to crimeheights oops sorry Crowhnheights. Than people like this resident of NY. Frumme yidden need to be watchful crazy things are happening this summer in Crowhnheights. Its going to be a long summer this year.
number 3 dont b scared theses ppl cant do anything
Thank you to the shomrim volunteers who assisted in taking him off the streets.
To number 3 and six:
Did you contact the police to help build the case?
help safeguard the rest of us!
I don’t get it. You want to know why these cockroaches crawl out of their holes? BECAUSE STUPID VICTIMS REFUSE TO PRESS CHARGES!
I have every sympathy with victims of crime (G-d knows I’ve been a victim more than once) but don’t cry foul if you’re not prepared to do anything. People like #3 & the reluctant victims who had to be cajoled & begged into making a report make it possible for these animals to do the same thing to your friend, neighbor or family member…because YOU are too cowardly to do the right thing at the time.
Grow up and stop being such babies! Or don’t make a fuss & accept you live in a jungle. If it was me I’d scream the place down until help arrived. AND I’d make darn sure I got a description.
he needs a bris, where’s the knife.
(don’t worry I’ll be generous,and go beyond the letter of the law)
Fed Up
If a Jewish man had exposed himself to African American women and girls, it would have been the lead story on every news station in the country. Al Sharpton and Charles Barron would have called for the guy’s head. But because it was a man of color, it will barely make the news. No, this is not racist to say, but rather the politically correct double standard way the leftist news media is in this country. To the racists Barack Obama and Eric Holder, step in any time to condemn what the pervert did.