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A Jewish woman was mugged and assaulted today while picking her son up from school. The brash attack happened in broad daylight and in the presence of many people.

Woman Mugged and Assaulted on Crowded Corner

Illustration photo

A Jewish woman was mugged and assaulted today while picking her son up from school. The brash attack happened in broad daylight and in the presence of many people.

The incident occurred at around 4:00 PM in front of Lubavitcher Yeshiva on the corner of Albany Ave. and Crown St., while the children were being dismissed from school. The vicinity of the school was bustling with children, parents and teachers heading home, yet this did not stop the brazen criminal.

One mother was waiting outside the building for her son while talking on her iPhone. An African-American teenager walked up to her tried to grab it. Luckily she had a good grip on her phone, and he was unable to pry it from her hands.

At this point he grabbed her neck and began to choke her, in an apparent attempt to force her to drop her phone. This also kept her from screaming out.

A father who was picking up his son, as well as a teacher form the school, saw what was happening and ran towards them. The teenager saw them coming and took off toward Troy Ave.; the two men were hot on his heels.

As they neared Troy Ave. they saw an NYPD cruiser driving in their direction. The man flagged them down and pointed to the teen they were chasing, telling them what he did. The cops said they would chase him down, but only after going around the block (apparently they were strictly obeying the traffic rules and didn’t want to drive the wrong way on a one-way street.)

The perpetrator fled down Troy Ave. all the way to East New York Ave., and by the time the two men in pursuit got there he was gone. The police were nowhere to be seen.

Back at Lubavitcher Yeshiva, the victim was approached by the police with some stranger who had no resemblance to the perpetrator. The two men, who had returned from their chase, asked the police why they stopped this man when they had just seen the perpetrator a few minutes before and this was clearly not him.

The officers responded by completely denying that they had been shown the assailant, saying they had just learned of the crime for the first time when they got to the school.

The woman confirmed to the police that they had the wrong guy, and he was promptly released. She was taken to the precinct, where she filed a police report. She sustained light bruising to her neck, but is otherwise OK. She still has her iPhone.

In an incident earlier in the day, Shomrim were notified of a mugging on East New York Ave. by three African-American teenagers. They approached the victim, also African-American, and demanded his phone. When he told them he didn’t own one, they knocked him to the ground and beat him savagely.

It is quite possible that the two incidents are related.

Please keep vigilant at all times, and if you see suspicious activity notify Shomrim immediately at (718) 774-3333.


  • Yanover

    Every Jew a .22

    i thought the city had strict rules on what kind of animals are permitted…

  • Sick and Tired

    I’m going to display my i-phone in public, just so I can kick some lowlife ***.

    Who’s with me? WHO’S WITH ME?

  • CH

    Does have permission from Zaki Tamir, Eli Cohen and Chanina Sperlin from the Crown heights Jewish Community Coucil, inc. to publish this story?

  • disgusted

    typical cop. I really wonder what they are good for at all? besides being glorified brownies.

  • it will only get worse

    Last night, five to six goyishe hooligans threw two items at me. It was five or six goyishe teenagers. Both black and white.

  • FURIOUS!!!!!

    This is another deliberate act by the LOCAL police not to assist Jews. I ask why. Personally, I think it is their way of showing our “leaders” that they (police) aren’t happy with them. They probably despise them as much as we do.

    If this was Willy they would NEVER get away with it. Why isn’t Ray Kelly dealing with it? He was commander here 20 years ago.

    Oh I forgot….we aren’t allowed to go to the police. Our “leaders” said so & as sheeple we MUST obey.

  • Next time vote for the conservative

    If they don’t fear cops or judges and going to jail is considered prestige why would they fear robbing in front of a crowd?

    Sorry to say fellow CH residents we are witnessing the destruction of our city that has been created by the liberal politicos that were voted in. We Jews seem to like to vote for liberal judges so do thugs and muggers.

  • Mendoza

    Cops. Are not here to protect you .
    That’s G-ds job
    There job is write as meny tickets as they can
    The sooner you know that . You won’t be upset when they don’t help you

  • Jack

    We should have the badges of these two cops. Send a message that this will not be tolerated. In any case, personal protection was never meant to be placed in the hands of the police or others. The role of police to create an environment where criminals think twice before commiting a crime. If the cops are not to be relied upon to do even this job, who needs them. Personal protection is not to be trusted to others who probably couldn’t care less about you. Remember, when seconds count, the police are only minutes away.

  • sick and tired

    the weather gets nice and all the “animals” come out to “play”

  • Yanover

    I am also shocked that they just grabbed an innocent guy on the street just because he is black. I mean come on!!

  • Where is Zimmerman when you need him

    Enough is enough we need to bring Zimmerman to Crownheights. Those that act like monkeys should be scared of us not the other way around. We should be able to talk on our cellphones anywhere we want with out being scared. I saw the cops just the other day going the wrong way on a one way Albany Avenue to give a lubavitcher a ticket for bike riding

  • Concerned

    Please don’t fight these animals, give the the stupid phone, the gadgets are replaceable you are not. We don’t need heroes!!!

  • Levi

    Perhaps the reason someone would attempt such a brazen attack in broad daylight, is because they are well familiar with the lazy indifferent attitude of the police around here.

  • Jewish dude

    People need to start carrying pistols, legal of course with a permit from the police. And then defend them self’s the police won’t do it. They give stupid tickets and do more harm then good.

  • Chaya Feige

    I’m amazed at the racist comments coming from religious Jews. A shanda!