Menacham Stark, 39, HYD.

Boruch Dayan Hoemes: Menacham Stark, 39, OBM

With great sadness we inform you of the shocking death of Menacham Stark, a 39 year old real estate developer who was abducted Thursday night. The tragic news came from Nassau County cops who located his lifeless body in Long Island earlier today.

The Daily News is reporting that Nassau County Cops found Stark’s body showing signs of a great deal of violence near a gas station in Great Neck, Long Island.

A frantic search by the NYPD and Williamsburg Shomrim has been underway since Thursday evening when his wife reported him missing.

Survailence video revealed that late Thursday night Stark was hustled into a white minivan after struggling with two thugs who approached him as he left his South Side Associates office on Rutledge St. near the Williamsburg Bridge.

Surveillance video of the abduction appeared to show the creeps binding him with duct tape before throwing him in their Dodge Caravan and speeding off.

The search came to a tragic end Shabbos afternoon when police were called to a Getty Gas Station in Great Neck, Long Island when a body was discovered nearby.

He is survived by his wife Bashie along with his eight children.

The Levaya will take place tonight, Motzai Shabbos, at the Lodon Beis HaMedrash 251 Marcy Street at 8:30pm.

Boruch Dayan Hoemes


  • crazy

    it seems he was dumped alive, and the worker at the gas station instead of checking to see what is burning he dumped snow inside, really? if there is smoke you check to see what it is? some people have no brains

    • So what happens now?

      Smoke comes from dumpsters all the time. People throw lit cigarettes there.

      It must have happened many times at that gas station, and that is why the employee did not check.

      Also, they don’t yet know if the burns were pre or postmortem, so I’m not sure why you are jumping to conclusions.

    • Mottel

      Really? Do you honestly think someone burning alive wouldn’t make enough noise to alert the people there?

  • chanon

    we need more police out in the street at all times of the day to stop bad people doing trouble

  • Anne aka Chana Malka

    Although I didn’t know him or his family, I am so saddened by this awful news.
    BDE… May Hashem ease the pain of his family and friends quickly. They should know no more sadness.

  • BD"E

    Heard about it Thursday night, and was hoping he would be found safe. So sorry for his widow,children parents and all klal Yisroel.

  • Moshiach now

    People we have to do more kindness and goodness to each others it’s must,to bring the gehula hashlima right now.may the family should have only good things, and we should hear only bsurus tovos.and may we be oz he already for the Bihar moshiach zidkeinu imidetly והוא בתוכם.

  • Ephraim Klein

    The M.O. Here is very similar to Ephraim Klein HYD.

    Also owned real estate, killers allegedly were in white minivan.

  • So Sad

    How much do you want to bet that those who killed him are not as handsome, smart, talented or capable. The jealousy of the Jews is just baffling. When will folks realize that killing a Jew has major consequences in all realms like the hellishly massive drought that will now affect America. Do folks realize Jews have a touch me and die contract with Gd?

    Man, can some of those Satmar’s pray!

    So very sad.

    • Elkeh

      Seriously? You believe that?

      There is zero correlation between killing of the Jews and droughts. There is not one study that shows that countries that killed yiddin also suffered from droughts (or any other punishment fro that matter). Besides, you really think that millions of people should starve because of this one horrible act.

    • M

      You are showing ignorance, maybe you forgot about Germany.

      These folks seem to be professionals and they used the weather to their advantage.

      Things like abduction you don’t wait to call the police.

    • Milhouse

      Elkeh, the whole world only exists for our sake. Chazal tell us that “even the ships that come from France to Spain are only successful because of the Jews”; if not for the benefit that will ultimately result to a Jew from the ship’s journey, there would be no reason for Hashem to make it successful. So it stands to reason that the murder of a Jew must have a significant effect on the world.

    • M

      Milhouse, is that a fact or an opinion?

      A Jew is a human being like everybody else, so how is the world really effected. The world keeps spinning and life goes on and people go on about their business. No “written” sources responses please.

    • Milhouse

      M, a Jew is not a human being like everybody else. That is a fact, as we say every day in davening, and as the Torah says repeatedly.

      What do you mean by ‘No “written” sources responses please’? Do you mean that you are an apikores? In that case what are you doing here? Sheigetz arois!

      Elkeh, the same goes for you: you are not at liberty to disagree with the Torah. The Torah tells us what is true and what is false. It is Hashem’s own words, and He is the One Who makes reality in the first place, so He has no opinions, only facts.

    • M

      I know we are not mortals. We don’t have heart beats that keep us running like everybody else. I’m here because I can it’s really simple. Everything else about me that you said is irrelevant.

      You should write for Laugh Factory.

    • Milhouse

      M, either you believe in the Torah or you don’t. And if you don’t you’re a sheigetz and don’t belong on a Jewish site.

    • M

      Why do care? Why is a self hating Jew still call a Jew? I comment where I want.

      I leave you to have the last comment as always, you won’t get a response. It’s like talking to a brick wall.

    • K

      Milhouse is not the gatekeeper of this or any other Jewish site. He speaks strongly about freedom of expression when it suits him, while quickly censuring and muzzling those who disagree with him or his beliefs. Mind you. his beliefs often run contrary to Torah and/or Jew custom.

      E.g. Milhouse has no problem with Jews dressing up as Santa Claus during the xmas season or using Strofoam made with tallow – treif animal fats, and he worries that a goy will laugh at a Jew for returning a purchased item when discovering it is contrary to his religion – it is okay for Milhouse to promote such views on a Jewish site but he denounces views that he disagrees. .
      To Milhouse, freedom of expression means, you are free to express your views as long as Milhouse agrees with them and a Jewish site is one that adopts Milhouse Jewishness..

    • Milhouse

      And K continues with his lies and his harassment campaign against me.

      K evidently has no idea what freedom of expression means. He seems to think it means that people who say stupid, false, or wicked things should not be called on it.

      This site is not a public forum. It’s not a free-for-all. This is a Jewish forum, where the basic assumption is that the Torah’s authority will not be questioned. It is not a place for atheists, antisemites, and other enemies of Hashem. If you walked into 770 and sad that the Torah is garbage, ch”v, you would be yelled at and thrown out. If you stood on Kingston Ave and said the same thing you would still be yelled at and condemned, though nobody would touch you. This forum is the same.

      There is no suggestion that anyone will be arrested for posting here inappropriately, so freedom of expression is irrelevant.

      K’s other obsessions are dressing up in a coca-cola suit, and the tallow that may or may not be in styrofoam. No, I have no problem with either one, and nor does halacha. I gave the reasons at length. If the Star-K has a problem with polystyrene, that’s their problem, not mine. The Star-K is not an agency that is respected in Crown Heights, and nor is its rabbinic authority. The OU is much more authoritative and respected, and it says there is no problem at all with polystyrene, no reason to be machmir, and cites impeccable halachic reasons why this is so.

    • k

      Do you also have no problem with carrots being sold as “snowman noses” (next story on this site)?

    • Milhouse

      Of course I’ve got no problem with it. On the contrary, it’s rather clever.

    • Milhouse

      Bottom line, K: do you disagree with the gemoroh? All I did was quote it; if you have a problem with what I wrote then לא עלי תלונותיך. It speaks volumes that for the sake of your obsession with me you’re willing to align yourself with brazen kefirah.

    • k

      Millhoyse, I really need to teach you how to learn a shtikel gemorah with Rashi and Tosfos (without ArtScroll).

    • k

      A snowman is a form of pessel with orgins in avoda zara – not very Jewish!

      Bizuy Ochel is a serious issur which is a “segulah” for poverty and hunger – not to be taken lightly, even by “lite-Jews”.

      Ba’al tashchis needs no elaboration, cutting fruit trees is recorded in seforim to cause death (of children), the Sifri as a k”v for food itself.

      A carrot left outdoors in the elements is likely unfit for consumption (by today’s standards).

      As Torah Yidden we follow halacha and not what we consider “clever”! Indeed, anyone with Da’as Torah would be offended.

  • Andrea Schonberger

    What in the world is the human race coming to when people can be kidnapped in such a manner? His poor wife and children what must they be going through in their time of suffering the loss of a husband and father. Baruch Dayan HaEmet. We need Moshiach now!

  • Mike Esses

    Everything Is In The Hands Of Hashem…
    Why Are The Righteous Chosen For
    This Human Sacrifice…What Message Is
    Hashem Sending Us…All Of The Righteous Shall
    Have A Share In The World To Come…
    Baruch Dayan Ha Emet…

  • Yoily

    I was by the Levaya, it was heart breaking and unbearable! His wife is expecting any day now and to see his family of 7-8 kids standing there and breaking down, was inhumane

    Enough hashem, please!

  • To #15

    Yes he is the brother of the famous chazzan yaakov yosef stark. Their family should be comforted.

  • Such a big tragedy

    Such a sad story, my heart goes to his wife going to have A baby any days and his 7 children that the oldest is 16 HaShem yet achem on them and will give them a big Nechama , but we all Jews have to cry for moshiach to come, and to the family may HaShem confront them with a lot off simches with the coming of moshiach and her husband and there father בתוכם אמן כן יהי רצון.

  • Ab-duct tape, to be continued...

    An innocent Jewish soul has been returned early to heaven, so first of all, Baruch dain haemes. The gemarah indicates in meseches Shabbos that one mustn’t regard the death of a Jewish person with casualness, lest he die prematurely, GOD forbid. ( or perhaps it is his children who die early, GOD forbid? Memory fails me.) But fear of death aside, it is simple moral conduct to grieve, if not by tearing your garments than at least internally, over the abrupt death of a human, especially a Jew. The sect of Judaism he originates from is regardless. So please, allow yourselves a moment of inner mourning. Know that HASHEM has his reasons and that he still loves and guards every single one of his children. May we merit the ultimate redemption. Amen.
    And now, gravity notwithstanding, I ask a question.
    Isn’t it a bit creepy how duct tape continues to demonstrate its convenience in terms of…ab-ducting people?