Robbery on the Subway Sparks Panic

Crown Heights [CHI] — A mugging on the subway sparked a massive police response, including k9 and heavily armored emergency service units, who spread out near subway entrances down Eastern Parkway with a strong presence in front of 770.

The robbery occurred on the 2 train at President Street and the suspects, three African-American males, jumped off the train and on to the tracks where they made their getaway.

Police were forced to shut down power to the tracks in fear for the suspects’ safety, as well as that of the officers that went in after them with the assistance of the dogs.

Witnesses said that they saw the suspect climb onto the platform at the Kingston Avenue station, where they got out and fled above ground.

The suspects remain at large and the police are investigating.

This story was initially published on our twitter @CHInfoNews, follow us and get up to the minute breaking news!


  • Great!

    Imagine if every robbery would create such a response, how much crime would go down?

    Great job NYPD! Thank you!

  • FactsRule

    You know, “Every Jew a .22” can mean a tiny .22 caliber pistol that any woman could use with complete ease. There’s not a DAMN thing wrong with that!

  • Australian in NY

    Gosh, what an amazing response! Kudos to the NYPD. May G-d always keep them safe.

  • Hellooooooooooooooo???

    The cops were afraid for the suspects’ safety???? What is wrong with this picture?

  • disappointed

    The main reason why it happened is the subway pigs are too busy giving out tickets for taking a extra seat or walking between cars even while the train is in the station or sitting on the steps while waiting for the train & other stupidity instead instead of catching actual criminals.The city needs money & can’t tax us any other way so they use the pigs from nypd sanit etc. to harass us & tax us with bs tickets

  • S Y D N E Y

    ok at least it’s reported and on the internet; hopefully the cops will get info from the webcameras. And then they should get the full force of jail time… I’d say 10 years is good.

  • ch resident

    if they didnt catch them then they are on the loose in crown heights on kingston so everyone BE CAREFUL!!!!!!!!

  • awacs

    “You know, “Every Jew a .22” can mean a tiny .22 caliber pistol that any woman could use with complete ease. There’s not a DAMN thing wrong with that!”

    Except for the three and a half year MANDATORY MINIMUM sentence for carrying a loaded, unlicensed gun outside of the home.

    F.Y.I. in NYS, “loaded” doesn’t mean loaded, it just means that the bullets are nearby.

  • Shayna

    to comment #11-
    Sure you call the nypd pigs now, but when you need their help i’m sure you’d see it differently. Unless you want NY be like Egypt, and have the cops sit on the side and do nothing as poeple beat each other up and kill eachother, those cops surely arent pigs. Yea, I cant believe the NYPD actually took action how could they!

    go rethink what you say before you wish all the cops away!

  • Eli

    So because of a mugging 1,000’s of people were stranded in subway cars, myself and my wife included, for almost 2 hours without a/c because these stupid shvartzes were on the tracks….. Forget the fact that we had no clue what was going on besides “theres someone on the tracks at president”. The cops stopped any and all train service from 7:45-9:30 pm. Thanks NYPD doin a great job protecting our city and informing us on why we are being held against our will.