Over Shabbos a Car Has Its Tires Stolen
Over Shabbos, a car parked on Crown Street was stripped of all four of its tires. According to multiple reports, the theft occurred sometime late Friday Night.
CrownHeights.info received multiple emails from readers alerting us to the theft, which occurred on Crown Street between Kingston and Albany Avenues. Some of them wrote that they noticed the theft as they were walking to Shul on Shabbos morning.
The vehicle is a late model Toyota Camry.
every house needs cameras
Cholent Mit Kugel
Take turns…Hoist yourself from your fressing and look out the window. This is a war!
Once again, we thank the brave men & women of the 71st for their valiant efforts on behalf of the JEWISH & WHITE residents of Crown Heights. We sleep safely at night knowing you are always patrolling & watching out for our welfare, including our property. NOT.
Frum Jews, racist? Oh, no!
This is why people get turned off from being in Crown Heights. For that reason. And other reasons. Sorry Crown Heightsrers.
Got ya!
He has a point.
Wondering if it’s easily doable for Shomrim to start a fund to hire Non-Jewish civil patrolmen for Shabbos – Yom Tov. L’Halacha it would be the same as a community hiring to clean the streets, with even more of a tzad heter.
Wouldn't it be nice...
if these hoods stole the wheels off a cop car. That would get NYPD to do something!
Fed Up
To the owner of the vehicle, get a security camera and a gun permit if possible! If you ever get another set of wheels and catch the thugs in the act stealing them, it is your right to shoot them if you possess a firearm. It is worth defending what is rightfully yours!
What a shame
The driver uses that car for only good things and to help people. The criminals are not worth the nuts and bolts that hold the wheels together.
I never liked living in Crown heights and now since all the things thats been happening i really dont like living here.
to #7
No they wouldn’t. It’s not their property and wouldn’t care in the least.
declasse intellectual'
First, #9, if you do shot him in the attempted theft, be prepare to spend hard time in jail because you would have violated the criminal’s rights. The legal system around here does not support such a defensive act on the part of the victim
Second, why all the uproar, this normality in Crown Heights and is part of everyday life. Criminals reign and safety is not for the residents.