Shomrim Apprehend Repeat Shoplifter

A middle-aged Caucasian woman was arrested for shoplifting this morning, after leaving the ‘Totally Her’ women’s clothing store with a bag filled with unpaid-for items.

The shopkeeper recognized the woman from a previous shoplifting incident, and alerted Shomrim to her presence in the store.

Shomrim volunteers waited for the woman to exit the store, and confronted her on the corner of Carroll St. and Kingston Ave.

They persuaded the woman to return to the store voluntarily, where police were already waiting.

After finding the stolen items in her bag, the woman was arrested and taken to the 71st precinct for booking.

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  • Citizen Berel

    This is very good.

    What is a caucasian.

    It is woman what isn’t black.

    See asians also do robbings.

  • CCTV

    if you need help in proof, I was in buncho bagels last week, she shoplifted there too, at least attempted to, owner told her to put things back…. Might be helpful to get video if that too

  • BigBen

    Hey “Free Publicity” you are less than wise.
    She looks like an addicted drug user.
    Good job Shomrim.

  • NoYechi770InJerusalem

    I didn’t know that there were white Goyim in Crown Heights,
    When I used to live there all the Goyim were schvartzers.

  • To BigBen

    You don’t get it. She may look like what you say, and the Shomrim may have done a good job, but the store still got free publicity from this article. Publicity has a value, and usually businesses pay for it. The store indeed should either thank her or should pay for the “advertisement.”

  • store owner/totally her

    It was not free publicity. it cost me $300 the first time she stole and another $100 this time she stole. Id rather pay for the publicity and not have the stress that came with it. TO crown heights info, thank you for reporting it that way our community is aware of what she looks like should you see her in any of our stores.