Suspicious Package Causes Bomb Scare on Kingston

An innocent looking backpack caused an entire busy Kingston Avenue block to be cleared in the midst of the busy Erev Shabbos rush. B”H it turned out to be safe.

The incident began unfolding at around 1:15pm in front of ‘Young Timers’ on Kingston between Montgomery and Crown. A store worker noticed the backpack left unattended for over 15 minutes. Playing it safe the authorities were notified.

Police officers responded to the scene and began moving the crowd to a safe distance while the waited for the bomb squad and emergency services. With the help of Shomrim volunteers crime scene tape was put up.

After around 30 minutes, just as ESU arrived, a 3rd grade teacher spotted the backpack and recognized it as belonging to one of her students. After police confirmed that by checking surveillance video they opened the back and found it to contain school books.

In light of the Boston marathon bombing the city – and around the country – has seen a significant uptick in reported of suspicious packages. In Israel a suspicious package – or Cefetz Chashud – is reported within moments of being left behind and is part of their day to day life.

Parents and residents are urged to take extra care and pay attention to your surroundings, explain the danger to your children and be cautious not to leave anything behind.

The story was first reported on our Twitter account @CHInfoNews and our Facebook Page, follow us and receive news the minute it breaks!

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  • Overheard from a 8 year old boy:

    “Ain’t no terrorist going to make us go away from Crown Heights, our chests are made of steel.”

  • oy

    I know third graders are forgetful a lot of the time but this one must have had a really bad day if she could forget a big bag like this. Poor kid must be so embarrassed. Or maybe not, kids today have hides like elephants.

    The people who reported it were right you can’t be too careful these days. She’s lucky they didn’t blow it up! Her parsha sheets would be historia!

  • No bombs

    Don’t worry about it looking innocent.

    When it comes to unattended packages
    “If you see something say something”
    “Better safe then sorry”

    To whoever reported this to the police: Thank you :)

  • #2

    “better safe thAn sorry”…and yes its always better to be safe than sorry!!!

  • Milhouse

    In Israel years ago, I had a sherut ordered to the airport, at about 4 in the morning. As I went outside with my suitcase, I saw a police car go by. The taxi wasn’t there yet, so I went back in to call them; I couldn’t have been inside for more than 5 minutes, but when I came out the police had done another patrol, noticed my suitcase standing there alone, and were already surrounding it and calling the bomb squad. At 4am, and this was about 25 years ago!

  • Irony...

    Earth to number 4

    1. Are you forgetting 9/11?
    2. That’s what the people of Boston said…it happened there, now didn’t it?

  • segal

    We know the family. They came late to our birthday party because they were getting the bag back. The kids couldn’t believe how the backpack could become so famous! Boruch Hashem!