Brazen Midday Shooting Captured on Tape
A wild shooting was caught on camera in Crown Heights on Tuesday afternoon. Police apprehended and arrested the 20-year-old shooter.
Police say 20-year-old Kevon Ferrell was the man seen on surveillance video opening fire just before 2:30 p.m. at the corner of Bedford Avenue and Carroll Street in Crown Heights.
Right as the shooting began, an unmarked police car in the right place at the right time began pursuit of Ferrell, who dropped the gun and took off running.
The suspect was caught a block away, and officers recovered a handgun at the scene.
Ferrell is charged with criminal possession of a weapon, reckless endangerment and attempted assault.
The motive for the shooting has not been released.
Just another lovely spring day in Crown Heights!!
Nothing out of the ordinary!!
Well said :)
Chava Raizy
Just another lovely spring day in Crown Heights!!
Nothing out of the ordinary!!
Well said
April 3, 2013 7:27 pm
and what ever happened to the 61 yr old woman who killed that 21 yr old young guy??
u guys r overdoing it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
its bedford wer talking about here…….. not kingston!
so unsafe!
Uncle Mendel
Oh, our poor ARFrican American Brothers, just busy saying Tehilim and doing Chesed.!
Keep them the heck out of ARLANS !!!
Bikur Cholim
Seek psychiatric help immediately, and you’ll do the whole world a favor.