CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — A shoplifter walked into Sunshine Pharmacy on Kingston Avenue today and helped himself to a backpack full of items only to be caught an arrested.

Shoplifter Steals Backpack Full of Goods, Gets Caught

CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — A shoplifter walked into Sunshine Pharmacy on Kingston Avenue today and helped himself to a backpack full of items only to be caught an arrested.

The pharmacy manager called Shomrim and sent two of his workers to go out and follow the theif, together they apprehended the their on Albany Avenue near Eastern Parkway.

Police searched his bag and found over $200 worth of items and he was placed under arrest.


  • jojo

    is it just me but is he wearing a cross????? call me crazy but thats something that religious people wear and religious people dont steal

  • Roll of my eyes

    jojo plz all goyim wear crosses nothing to do w religious the same way fry yidden (r”l) wear magen davids. add least obviously hed b caught and jack its honestly not that big of a deal

  • yerashamyim

    what is one of the things we learn from a ganav
    “god help me so i dont get caught”

  • Curious George

    It’s a good thing that the shomrim & workers caught him, these two cops look as if they are packing on the pounds …no wonder the response time is soooo bad…!!!

  • ceo

    it seems that theres more of this since we had this current president O. Any connections maybe? He looks like a sad person…..

  • PZ

    well they look at us too, we’re supposed to be showing our best. So we can understand how it is to be “watched” and observed and that the world has expectations of us

  • yellow shirt

    Hey, look. A cross and a YELLOW shirt!
    Who is this fellows mashpiah? Mendel Hendel?

  • serel maness

    l’m glad they has success in catching the guy,lots of people wear the cross for a charm,many people wo not believe in it. when l do mitzoim,l can see,just saying blessings when giving out the 7 laws of noach cards

  • guess what...

    the cross is part of the cover up to make himself look like he is a good person and would not be a thief.

  • to # 5

    lol its like “let me ask G-D to help me steal even though he said no stealing”

  • Were all the same

    Hey look at this guy, he looks like a poor homeless man who was simply scavenging for food, have rachmanus on the man!!!