Chabad House Bomber Apprehanded in Ohio

FOX and Yeshiva World

A suspect in the blast outside a California synagogue last week has been arrested in Ohio, a source told Fox News, after an FBI alert said the man had fled east.

The suspect, a 60-year-old transient named Ron Hirsch, is said to have boarded a New York-bound bus on Thursday, the day of the incident, the FBI said. He is wanted in connection to the explosion near Chabad House Lubavitch of Santa Monica.

A source familiar with the investigation said Hirsch was arrested in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, but no other information about the arrest was available.

No one was injured in the blast, which shattered windows and punched a hole in the synagogue, while sending chunks of concrete and a heavy pipe crashing into the roof of a nearby home.

The FBI in Los Angeles said Monday in a news release that Hirsch boarded a Greyhound bus on Thursday that was heading for New York.

“Additional investigation and video surveillance indicates that Hirsch disembarked the bus in Denver and may have further deviated from his original route,” the FBI said in a statement.

Hirsch has family in New York, investigators said.

YWN has just learned, that the suspect wanted for setting off a homemade explosive device next to a Santa Monica Chabad Shul, has just been arrested. Highly credible sources tell YWN that he was apprehended without incident, inside the “Agudah Shul” of Cleveland Heights.

Sources tell YWN that the suspect arrived at the home of the Rov on Sunday evening, asking for a place to sleep. Community activists involved in assisting people, questioned the man asking him for his name, and where he was from. All his answers were very vague, and the man refused to answer many questions – even brushing their questions off using perfect Yiddish. Instead of allowing him to sleep in the local “Hachnosas Orchim” room, they placed the man in a motel for the night, and brought him Kosher food to eat.

This afternoon, the man once again requested to stay in the Hachnosas Orchim room, but once again refused to reveal his name. Instead he said his name was “Ron Jay”.
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A short while later, the community activist who had been dealing with him all day, was at home and using a computer, and suddenly came a cross a photo of the suspect while reading the news. The resemblance was shocking. The facial features were exactly as this homeless man was, just that he was missing his beard.

The man called the FBI, who in turn instructed him to call the local police department, who arrived to where the man was – which was inside the Agudah Shul. The suspect was sitting in front of an open Sefer, when he was politely asked by police to exit the Shul. He followed instructions, and after getting outside, he confirmed that his name was in fact “Ron Hirsch”.

He was arrested without further incident.

YWN has learned that the suspect’s father is a member of the Chabad Shul that he tried to blow up.


  • Scary!

    I know Chabad upsets a lot of people, but there are more socially acceptable ways of expressing one’s displeasure.

    But in all seriousness, Chabad has a problem. Our openness leaves us more vulnerable than many places. Time to look at security more carefully. There are wackos everywhere & some of them seem harmless but aren’t.

  • sinas chinom!!!!

    to #1 i love the way you quickly judge the other guy if it was your brother would you do the same??? … who said he is the one??? he is linked to the crime that doesnt mean he is guilty!!!

    it could have been a set-up and he got some money from someone to put it there and then when he realized the severity of it he tried to run away. “al todin es chavercha ad shdagia limkomo” (dont judge your friend till you are in his place) and i hope you never will be

  • Yakkov

    Scary = Your comment Has nothing to do with this Story But Thank You!
    Yakkov Santa Monica

  • #1


    Since you’re so willing to think this lunatic is innocent, despite the evidence, I’m sure when he’s released from jail you & your family will be running to have him live with you. Right??? Good luck to you, then! ;)

  • Father

    Hi father is NOT a member of the Community.
    He USED to be but has moved to israel many years ago!

  • to #4

    i didnt say he was innocent all i said was “if it was your brother would you do the same???” think about it would you like it if your brother was accused of doing something not proven guilty yet and already everyone in the frum world is convicting him

  • Still #1

    A) I don’t have any brothers
    B) If I did & he tried to blow up people & THE EVIDENCE SUPPORTED IT, then no, I wouldn’t be so quick to give the family nut-job a pass. It’s about we all learned to take responsibility for ourselves & our actions, as well as those near & dear to us. I suppose if this man is your kin you’d be begging for his release. Again, he’d be living with you, correct? :))))

    You must be one of our local liberals who feeds the pigeons & allows all these no-goodniks to leech off the community, rob us & abuse our kindness, what’s left of it.

  • cher

    between what both #1 and #2 said this is the way that i look at it.true there really is no real evidence that ron hirsh did it but if ron hirsh was completely innocent why did he leave the los angeles area so quickly if he felt that he was innocent?& alot of times right after the commision of a crime people like to shave their beard to make it harder to be recognized.the fact that ron hirsh left the los angeles area so quickly & shaved his beard to make it easier to hide his identity that pretty much makes him a suspect too.

    put it this way.if i was accused of commiting a crime that i did not do i would very simply turn myself in to police & have a lawyer prove my innocence.if ron hirsh felt that he was completely innocent why did he board a greyhound bus & shave his beard if he felt that he was innocent?that alone makes him a i am pretty sure that if he is found innocent that he will be released & his innocence will be known.if he is considered a suspect then the police have every right in the world to bring him in for questioning until the truth will be known.this is the way that i look at it.

    the good lord has spoken.

  • still #2

    would you rather his face be plastered all over the web and have embarrassment caused for your whole family??? or the entire story kept quiet and dealt with by the correct authorities

    let the court do the job and then we will see.

    i agree he needs to be sent to a place he can get help but still we dont need to support the loshon hora (if its true) or the “moitzi shem ra” (if its not) till after the court case.

    and even if he is guilty he probably did it because he is insane, so he needs help!!! no need for us to “hang him” we need to help him!!!

    (if you dont agree with this look up the ramba“m and see what he writes about how they would do dinei nefoshos, with horses and flags and a whole ”tatadam“ so it should be ”viheetzeilu hoaida“ (we should save him) and not chas v’sholom the oppisite, and by the way ”the bais hamikdosh was destroyed because of ppl who had sinas chinom like what is happening now, ppl are saying he is guilty and they dont have a shred of evidence, only what they hear from the press, which has proven itself time and again to lie)so the answer is no he would not be staying with my family even if he was my brother but i would get him help in a psychiatric ward or something not go and bash him left right and center to everyone who wants to hear a bad thing about a yid (as goyim can also go on this website it is not exclusivly for yidden)

    happy passover

  • Scary 2

    if anyone here is “scary” it’s comment #2 trying to cover up a crime