Attack of a Jewish Girl Foiled by Alert Bochurim

One of the Bochurim who foiled the attack managed to snap this blurry cellphone photo of one of the attackers.

CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — A Jewish girl came very close to being the victim of an assault, or worse, at the hands of an unruly group of 4 black males late Motzai Shabbos. The quick thinking actions of two Bochurim foiled the attack, and the would-be attackers fled.

The incident took place near the corner of Carroll Street and Albany Avenue at around 1:50am where a Jewish girl was walking alone, and a group of 4 black males, all described as being in their late teens to early 20’s, surrounded her and one of them made a motion with his hand as if he had a gun, and the girl screamed out of fear.

Two Bochurim, who happened to witness the entire incident, right away pulled out their phones and one called 911, while the other snapped a photo, meanwhile the would be assailants fled.

Police swarmed the area in attempt to find the group, but were unsuccessful, and the girl did not stick around to file a police report.

One of the witnesses told that “this looked like a test run, and I am worried for when the mug or attack someone for real.” He added that he urges the victim to come forward and make a police report, some that this incident would be investigated and may even prevent it from happening to someone else.

Shomrim were also alerted to the incident and sent out a patrol to keep an extra eye out on the busy late night streets of our neighborhood.


  • baffled

    When are young people going to realize we are living in a jungle & it’s just not safe?! Why on earth was she alone at that time of night???

  • street smarts

    ok bring it forth,,
    the flood of comments as to why this girl was out alone at 1:50 am to begin with.
    seriously, not smart.

  • Mordechai Yisroel

    When is this damn garbage gonna stop !! Enough of this, don’t ppl have what 2 do with their lives than holding ppl up or who knows what ? in Williamsburg these things don’t happen & if they do they r 1nce in a few years here in CH its every day, other day, week, or whatever. Enough is enough & we must show these black morons (I’m not a racist however 2 the blacks that r just a bunch of trouble makers yes I dislike what they do the 1z that mind their own business I will them everything great) so the point it we got 2 get these morons off the streets lock em up & get rid of them. We have 2 start learning from Williamsburg how 2 stop the crime. Bec we see they have a lot more hatzlacha in this then we do. They r afraid of the Hungarians. Y can’t they b afraid of the Russians as well

  • solution

    we need cameras on every corner as from nostrand to utica as well and police by every few blocks

  • Vaad Hakohol Project

    I think this is something we can all agree on, the Vaad should initiate a campaign to encourage and perhaps subsidize Video Cameras in private homes and businesses in as many places as possible.

    Private citizens should also contribute to this collective effort by putting up cameras on their own property.
    Maybe Shomrim can spearhead this effort.

  • Uncle Mendel

    I would think self defense classes would be in order right away for everyone in Crown Heights. Would you believe a just got a “Self Defense with a Cane” DVD so I can learn self defense?
    Group classes for ladies would be a good idea. 1/2 Self Defense, 1/2 Chizuk Shiur, and the rest of the time for a lesson on how Moshiach is here and I’m not.

    Thanks for shopping ARLANS !!!

  • Uncle Mendel

    I would think self defense classes would be in order right away for everyone in Crown Heights. Would you believe a just got a “Self Defense with a Cane” DVD so I can learn self defense?
    Group classes for ladies would be a good idea. 1/2 Self Defense, 1/2 Chizuk Shiur, and the rest of the time for a lesson on how Moshiach is here and I’m not.

    Thanks for shopping ARLANS !!!

  • to #4

    cameras are not the solution. They will not stop the crime. They will only record it. In this case – it would not have helped her had the bochurim not been there. Guns on the other hand would have. The answer is GUNS, GUNS, GUNS. Here is a statistic for all you anti gun, enlightened liberal douche bags – statistics don’t lie. The fact is that areas with a higher number of registered gun owners have LOWER crime. Areas like NYC where they make it almost impossible to get a gun legally, have HIGHER crime. The reason is really simple – the criminals will carry guns anyway. They are criminals, that is what they do. They break the law. If the innocent started carrying guns, and used their guns when they were in danger, these animals would take their mugging, robbing, assaulting, etc. elsewhere.

  • Henya

    In commenting on #1 and #12 – as I told my own children many years ago – nothing good happens when you are on the street past midnight. If girls must walk at that hour, they should at the very least walk in pairs. Most people are in tucked away in their beds close to 2:00 am. What is left on the streets are people who one would not like to run into. Especially alone. Especially a girl.

  • Police Report

    If they wanted us to make police reports, they wouldn’t make it such a hard process to file one!

  • the best solution

    all cameras will do is give us a video after the fact we need a deterent they all have guns we should have them too it worked in florida there are almost no muggings anymore because no one will attack someone if the could be carrying a gun we should all be armed to the teeth so they will be scared and not cause problems in ch

  • to #1 and #12

    its none of your buisness what she was doing outside shes not ur kid main thing is that she is alright so mind ur own buisness

  • Ariyeh Leib Segall

    Shmorim need to be bolstered by a car service for the women at night so that thet can be escorted safely to their destination. On Shabbos & Yom Tov BAal HabBatim need to ensure the safety of guests by providing escorts for them…
    The Shvartzes are aware of the weaknesses of our community and are ever viligante to take advantage of every opportunity as they are animals in every sense of the word !!!!
    So…people …step up and take responsibility for what goes on in the community !!!
    Your silence and Inaction are accounted as willful sins in the wake of the recent uprise of assaults, etc…!!

  • to #17, from BAFFLED

    And if G-d forbid she wasn’t alright? Unlike you, we believe that our kids are …OUR kids. We are all responsible for each other. We care & look out for each other. It’s called Ahavas Yisrael. Maybe you’ve heard of it?

    I suggest you get your own island where you can be very happy playing solitaire.

  • shana

    Anywhere else in the world it would also be dangerous to walk around by yourself at 2:00am. I am not sure why we all think that Crown Heights is different.

  • common sense

    to 10 this has nothing to do with obama and to 13 no we just need better police protection stop writing stupid comments.
    and it doesnt matter what she was doing what matters is that nothing is being done about this and its happening frequently

  • be don lekaf zechus

    what was she doing out at 1:50 maybe..
    some chassidesh bochur wanting to keep the shidduch date discreet dropped her off at some random corner and she was walking home…
    kvar hayah l’olamim

  • out of towner

    we hear more and more stories like this where some people happen to see someone getting attacked or about to be attacked. there needs to be some kind of community patrol. there have to be people guarding the streets of crown heights thru the whole night. shomrim and shemira arent enough. if the blacks know there are people watching them they will think twice before attacking people for no reason. this garbage doesnt happen in boro park or williamsburg because its known that the comunity will not be defensless to their attacks. unfortunatly thats not the case in c.h.

  • ceo

    in the Rebbe’s shechuna, and she wasnt told that the Rebbe said to walk in groups……
    should the school be mentioning this to the girls?

  • jack613

    I have the best solution. Spend money on cameras instead of vodka that’s killing our children.

  • Homeowner

    and 11 or 12 pm its ok? For those that don’t know .. 1 of every 4 black men have a criminal record and its not for white collar crime.

    If there was a company offerring a good deal on vidio cameras they can do big quantity busness.

  • Pappa Tony

    Or how abouts them girls carry 12 inch blades and some tasers – I can’t see the friendly young black males sticking around after the girls pull those out.

  • Avrami

    Of course the NYPD is nowhere to be found- probably looking to write bogus tickets-Thank you Bloomberg

  • dis is di problem

    Here is the problem. Not what was she doing at 2:00 in the morning. Maybe she was coming from an illegal shidduch date. She probably had a hard time sneaking back into the house, let alone to be escorted by a few of crown heights finest. But the problem remains, no victim, than it never happened. This time she was lucky, who knows what results the next time could bring. Chad VeSholom. So my suggestion to the Bochurim who took the picture, is next time, take a picture of the girl. So we can track her down and get her to file a report. Also guys if you date these chassidisher girls common courtesy, will tell you at least to get the girls home safely. For your sake, this way she will be around for another date. Our girls aren’t throw aways. And please exercise caution in all aspects that you may do. We have enough problems in our neighborhood. Remember use common cents and you’ll save dollars.

  • to #9

    I took real hard-core martial arts for 4 straight years and learned many self-defense techniques such as breaking an attacker’s wind pipe, stopping their heart by hitting them in the solar plexis, and how to bring a guy down – HOWEVER when a man has a gun up to your head you RUN AWAY AND SCREAM FOR HELP!!!! so yes, martial arts is good to learn (not the kind od crap they teach here – i mean the one where they give you a massive work out and create muscle memory in you by making you do each and every thing OVER AND OVER AND OVER again and physically fight against each other to get practice-but can only be used when a man does not have a gun or knife.

  • to #27

    You’re quite racist!!!!! Did you know caucasians could be murderers too?!?! Grow up!

  • she deserves it!

    by the way – with all do respect to the girl – she was an idiot for walking around crown heights in a very dangerous neighborhood alone at 2am! She shouldn’t have even walked around with some one at that time. She deserves all the blame!

  • wow again

    Excuse me not everyone has a car to get home in , and not everyone drives she was simply walking home maybe she was running late. maybe she had a meeting or a date ( some girls don’t want the guy to drop them off right in front of there home) this can happen in the middle of the day also the time has little to do with it . the fact is we should be aloud to carry mace BH she is ok

  • 1:50 AM?

    What was she doing walking “home”, alone, at 1:50 AM? And how is it that after all these years in CH, young women and everyone for that matter do not understand they should be walking in groups. And if she couldn’t walk with anyone she could have called Shomrim, who would have been more than happy to escort her home. Which again begs the question, what was she doing out at 1:50 AM?

  • The police are NOT to blame.

    I am from out of town and read about all the criticism about the police but I found that the police to be respectful and genuine in their concern for the community. That’s not to say the cops are perfect but they can’t be every where at all times, otherwise we’d be living in a police state.

    And the police aren’t the ones who glamorizes criminality, black pop culture does.

    The cops aren’t the one who didn’t instill in their daughter that its not safe to walk around alone after midnight (heck I’m from a safe suburbs and all the kids here were thought that growing up.

    So lets save our criticism of the police for when its justified.

  • self defense wont help

    Yankel Rosenbaum HYD was a black belt in karate – it did not save his life


    Firstly, #4-police protection (police at every corner) only means more tickets. To 36: Crown Heights is always a dangrous place to be, no matter what time of day\night or weather your in groups or not.
    And to everyone who is wondering-there are more reasons to be walking out alone at 1:50 am than what was listed. You have NO RIGHT to judge. I have had to walk home alone many many times at later hours then that.
    Please, stop the negitive comments!

  • Correction

    She was helping a single mother after Shabbos to give all the kids supper and baths, and put them to bed, and then clean up the house so that the mother could wake up early to get to her own job to support her family. No one was around to offer her a ride or escort her home. Her fault for being considerate.



  • lucky her

    she was lucky there were people outside so save her.Something could have happened chas vshalom and nobody wouldve know about it.Then again what WAS she doing at 1:oo am in the streets???????????????

  • Where are you teens after midnight?

    Maybe she was coming from that organized party in apt rented out by guys just for that purpose. Do parents know there is such a thing? Well there is and it needs to be caught and stopped! It’s been going on for years, sponsorded by some bad seeds who root from one of the yeshivas that breeds trouble makers. This is not a joke–it’s ruining even the good kids who want to be “in” with the “modern” crowd. It goes on all night(11pm-4am)so now you know what your kids are really up to when they stay out late and/or ‘stay at a friends house’. Something really needs to be done–who will step up to the plate?

  • awful

    to #47 did u read anything?The poor girl was helping a single mother and now she gets slammed bec she left at that time? Maybe poor judgment but she was trying to help someone and all of you are just trashing her with all sorts of implications.SHAME ON YOU. Where does it say to judge favorably?I forget!!!!



    the question of “what was the girl doing out of home @ 1:50?”
    is irrelevant and sholdnt be asked, it doesnt matter whether it was a farbrengen night or the girl isn’t chassidish enough to your criteria.

    those who are asking this question making me think what does it say about us as a community or a society when we think we should defend only those who are “meeting our criteria” ?

    the real question is, how do we make sure that the next assault will not happen, and how do we make it not “worthwhile” for the attackers to attack.

    our girls and all CH residents should be & feel secured at all times in the shchuna!


  • to #49

    Maybe i was a bit to harsh but im only trying to protect her. several months ago a homeless and mentally ill man tried to attack me. Baruch Hashem a policeman came and i was fine…guess what time i was walking home…10pm (much earlier than her). i dont know what she was doing out so later and i personally dont care. she however should have had the common sense to either sleep their, call a friend to walk her home, or called a parent to get her.

    we all need to remember…we live in a very dangerous neighborhood where the african americans – most of them HATE the jews. there are shots that ring out between them several times a week – and there are attacks against the jews.

    we all need to be safer. im glad shes okay but next time she could be hurt or even killed!

  • to # 47

    despite the fact that she’s not your daughter, who the heck are you to go bashing someone you should be ashamed of your self. you don’t even know this girl and you start making rumors…GET A LIFE!!!

  • xyz

    Isn’t it interesting how so many writers ask what the girl was doing out so late at night – but no one asks teh same question about the bochurim….???

  • miricals in every day life

    OMG! i was walking with my sister in the night and usally we walk down carroll to kingston, passing albany. for some odd reason we went down troy
    true Hashcacha pratis!

  • alex

    Vaad Hakohol? utter nonsence they are the problem now in the first place, do for self. and stop sucking on fake groups that do nothing but expliot you, while they laugh to the bank leaving you to live in fear.

  • Api Kouros

    To #13: I agree that people in NYC should be allowed pistol carry permits just like residents in LI and upstate can acquire. But you write:

    “Areas like NYC where they make it almost impossible to get a gun legally, have HIGHER crime. The reason is really simple – the criminals will carry guns anyway. They are criminals, that is what they do. They break the law. If the innocent started carrying guns, and used their guns when they were in danger, these animals would take their mugging, robbing, assaulting, etc. elsewhere.”

    Well, if the innocent start carrying a gun without a license then they are a criminal, just like those others you describe. Then where would you be?

    I don’t think I saw a single mention of pepper spray. Though it’s not nearly as effective as a gun it’s still better than nothing.