Two Cars Broken Into – Airbags Stolen, Friday Night
Illustration Photo.
CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] – Over Shabbos two cars were broken into and their airbags were stolen. Shomrim received reports that the break-ins took place sometime on Friday night on Crown Street.
The cars, a Chevy SUV and a Buick sedan, had one of their windows broken, and the airbags ripped out.
In each of the incidents police were called and a report was filed.
Half Nelson
Is the Dreckster (Terrence “Derek” Nelson) back on the streets? If so, can he replace Tamir or Braun rather than doing the 90 day in the can routine?
More specific location information, plea
Where on “Crown Street” were these incidents?
A police report was filed Saturday by
non Jewish owner. Montgomery St. and Brooklyn Ave. a Nissan Pathfinder airbag was stolen Fridqay night.
Listen double park your car on any street. Leave a bottle of Mashke on the hood and on the front seat. It’s a violation and the police will wait until you come get your car, and give you a summons. But the bright side is your car will not be broken into. Are we in Chelm or something???
why does anyone leave there things in THEIR CAR????
One and a half Nelson
Actually, since it takes no talent to win Mica Machshefa’s A Jewish Star contest (and in fact if you are talented, you lose right off the bat), Dreck Nelson can rap for Mica and company too.
The new CH:
It takes no smicha to be a rov
It takes no talent to be a singer
It takes no beard to be a “chossid”
It takes no brains to lead the Vaad haKohol
So, I say Dreck Nelson all the way!
Disgusted with the CHJCC and VH
Hey wait! I know where the cops were! Looking for tickets to write to people talking in front of their houses.
#1 wins the comment of the month award
Happened on Montgomery too!
Two cars on Montgomery street were vandalized…the side mirrors were stolen over shabbos.
Eli B.
Guys. If you have one of those expensive cars, why don’t you put those lucks on steering wheels? Laziness? You would avoid broken windows and stolen airbags!