Woman Robbed As She Was Entering Her House

CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — An elderly Jewish woman was robbed as she was climbing the stairs to her home this afternoon. The incident took place alarmingly close to the police precinct, with the robber making off with her purse in a getaway vehicle.

The incident took place on Montgomery Street just off New York Avenue, which is around the corner from the 71st Precinct. The woman had just parked her car, and was slowly climbing the stairs to her house when her purse was suddenly yanked from behind and taken.

She turned to see what had happened, and all she saw was the back of her assailant, who she described as a young black man with a slim build.

After snatching her purse, the man ran to an awaiting double parked car and got into the passenger side and fled. The victim described the car as a shiny black brand new car.

Police and Shomrim responded to the scene, and after getting the vague description they tried to search for the car, but were not successful. Police filed a report.


  • Ariyeh Leib Segall

    It has been come all too apparent our community suffers as the 71st Pct. becomes the laughing stock of NY…
    Thieves and low lifes have gotten the message — come on down to Crown Heights — no need to fear the cops – they are asleep on the job…
    They are deaf dumb & blind — Can’t even patrol around the corner from the Station !!!!
    It’s time to take back the streets from these clowns !!!!

  • scaredinbrooklyn

    because the are not afraid of the cops, because they know the cops are more concerned with criticism in comment sections and not with, ya know, actual crime.

  • tipshim

    Who gave them permission to file a report, without consulting the VAAD and the community council. Now according to the precint this crime actually happened. It doesn’t look good for the precint, let alone the neighborhood. I’m begging you people don’t rock the precint. Anyway let’s get the awards out, because at least they actually claim that they filed a report.

  • Question to Mr. Zaki Tamir......

    … Do I have your permission to express my opinion about our local police department, so that I can tell you how the 71st precinct is a total and complete joke?

    About two weeks ago, a rock was thrown through the window of a Chabad House in Bloomington Indiana. Guess what Mr. Tamir? Less than a week later they have apprehended a suspect and they are pressing charges. In contrast, in Crown Heights, people get killed, bullets shatter car windows, women get robbed in their own homes and the cops never catch the perpetrators, why?
    Because the cops of the 71st precinct are too busy giving tickets to people who are blocking pedestrian traffic.

  • ch resident who lives near the house

    it very scary my 8 yr old son came off the bus on that corner and was walking down past the house right when it happened. when he came home he told me that someone was robbed and i asked him how he knows and he said that police and shomrim were there and he asked them what happened and they told him. I guess i do feel a bit safe knowing that the police and shomrim came right away but its scary that my 8 yr old son had to witness this incident.

  • A Father and Husband

    It’s scary when at 7pm my wife asked me if it’s safe to walk the kids from my mothers house to my house. I live half a block away from my mother.

    Sadly and truthfully, I told here “i don’t know”.

  • Shaa shhhhaa

    You are breaking the rules, shame on you! Now the cwops are going to be vewy vewy upset and are going to stop protecting us and then there will be crime in the neighborhood. Ooooops they aren’t protecting us! And there is crime in the neighborhood! It must be our fault!
    Quick, call Zaki and Chanina and Eli Cohen so that they can give the cops a Plaque for a job well done!

  • elisha

    truthfully and honestly you cannot point blame on the police not everything in our world of crown heights is the polices fault

  • BC


    My mother was the victim in this mugging. When she called the police to report the incident, the officer who answered her call said that most of the officers were not available to come just then as there was a hostage stand off with a man, a gun, and his family a few blocks away! HELLO!?

    It’s like the late 1970’s/early ’80’s all over again!

    Before Xmas the goyim go nuts looking for spare cash for “holiday gifts”. Why get a job if you can just jump a nice old Jewish woman!?



  • You can blame the cops

    You can’t blame the police after any single incident but when you look at the big picture and at every incident, well, that’s a different story. The big picture shows a pattern of police indifference, negligence and abuse. And unfortunately, our esteemed CHJCC are endorsing this.

  • @ elisha

    Perhaps we can’t blame the cops every time, but the level of crime that’s tolerated in this area is shocking. Don’t forget, the cops are not volunteers (unlike the Shomrim), they are paid decent salary’s, great benefits, amazing overtime and even better pensions! For what?! They are paid to prevent and stop crime, not just to react by taking reports!
    The cops in the 71st precinct are some of the best and most competent, when they want to be. Who remembers how quick they tracked down the killers of those two cops that were shot a few years back? It took them a matter of days to track down the cop killers. Have they caught the person who murdered Efraim Klein yet?
    When the cops want to do the job, they do it, when they don’t, they don’t. So what are we paying them for? How long would you last at your job if you only fulfilled your responsibility’s 25% of the time?

  • Scratching my head

    I don`t understand, the Guy was double parked, where was the Police? How they miss that?

  • Hmmmm

    “shiny black brand new car”

    Hmmm now where did they get the money for that?
    Maybe if they steal enough money they will ba able to afford to move to a better neighbor hood and leave CH alone.

  • to#9

    to #9 yes u r rite its not the blame on the police always However when the police r giving out boges tikets insted of pretecting us or not wanting to file a police report then yes they are to blame


    Shhhhh… We are not supposed to call the cops didnt you hear! Keep it down….. Why would you call the cops.. SO she got hurt and robbed…. The Vad said not tooo… What is wrong with you people….. Its the old ladies problem….. She should look where she is going and who is around her…
    I guess this is what is done in this community! This is how its supposed to be.. Old people, young children, woman, boys…. Getting hurt and we are supposed to do nothing about it.. What if it was your child, mother, friend.. What if next time G-D forbid its worse…But DON’T SAY ANYTHING!

  • Vote Conservative

    One solution to CH crime problems next election vote for all the conservative judges.

  • Jewish Car was a target or not

    I have no way of knowing if the Jewish car was targeted on Sunday night.
    But I have a very strong suspicion that the Jewish car was targeted. Yes I can agree that the Jewish car was not the first target but from what I saw there were 3 Bullets flying at the car and Thank God only one made its way to get stuck at the liner of the car roof. But from the positions of the Jewish car and the shooters I can say that even though the Jewish car was not the first target but it can be that it was added benefit.
    Still I would not label it as anti Jewish crime. But some rookies at the CHJCC were very fast to declare it as “The Jewish car was not the target” in such situations I think one should employ the tactic HAMASKIL YIDOM BOEIS HAHEE .at that moment the wise men would hold his speech. Now after a few weeks of violent in Crown Heights rather than looking to find ways to improve security. what we see is just more hot air the Zaki Isaac B. Tamir go public with a 20 minute speech of lies. Elie Cohen contradicts himself in an email. And an old woman is robed just a few feet from the 71 Pct. Mr Zaki Isaac B. Tamir we elected you to bring ACHDUS to Crown Heights. but you are bringing more Sinas Chinom. you Promised to bring more Government programs and you spend 2.5 million dollars and not one home in Crown Heights have one red cent from it you employ a hate monger Elie Cohen who is busy with suing in court other JEWS (who gave permission to you or elie cohen to go to court against the Lubavitcher Rebbe?)
    You see zaki you had very good chance but you just made an effort to be a looser. And history will judge you. We are sure that you will not get a second term we not sure the situation will let you get away with destroying the community for another 2.5 years. You can create as many Hate Blogs As you want. But guess what the community is smarter than you we want news not mica Hate Blog. I never saw a man full with hate as you on Sunday video on the Hate Blog we will judge you. You had six months and you did nothing for us the people. Now the 180 days past and reality is here. Instead of going out to the community and tell us how much money you got invested in Crown Heights and what are the plans for the next 180 days we here you wine like a little girl. You are killing us. Wow sitting in front of the people who spread so much hate in crown heights reading all the comments THEY write yes Mr Zaki Isaac B. Tamir ( I am writing your full name so the search engines will pick it up and everyone in the world will know who you are) this machashaifa created of hate attacking people for no other reason than hate and it is all your fault. If you want something to be known to the community you have to call a press conference and talk. But by paying the machashaifa to bring the news as you want it to look will not work in 2010. Even in 1920 this practices didn’t work as well as you like it to work in 2010 Zaki you are going in the same crookest ways as you best friend Peter Simonetti he had the same desire that news will be written as he wants it and as he sees it. And used the same tactics as you try and he failed miserably so are you just another failure.
    As a close I would ask you publically WHAT SHOMRIM DID RONG TO YOU? WHAT SHOMRIM DID RONG TO THE COMMUNITY? Mr Zaki Isaac B. Tamir take a calculator and start adding shomrim are about 40 volunteers that is from 40 families in Crown Heights in the extended family it would translate to at least 400 families add to that the shomrim friends and supporters that is how We got rid of the old vaad.
    You can’t win a fight against half of Crown Heights. And one more for the road enemies are much more expansive that friends.
    I have to conclude and tell you in the Yiddish language DU BIST A SCHMOCK
    And I will send it to all blogs of crown heights.

  • oiss vorff

    ok.. so were do we go from here ? when r we going to demonstrate , and demand action ? or going to be sitting ducks ?

    did any one see the sign in the window of the chjcc , ?
    there running a sale on yellow stars , $2.50 each .becuse when the 71 pct. demands all jews must wear a yellow star . the price will be 5.00 each , of which 1.00 will go to the raboniem , 1.00 will go to the pct and 1.00 will go to the new vadd so they can buy placks for the 71 pct

  • Sick to my stomach from all this

    Ever hear of pepper spray?Fathers,husbands,brothers…it is ur DUTY to get every member of ur family a bottle to have.I don’t leave my house without it.I have my hand clamped around it in my pocket at all times when I walk,ready to use if C’V the need arises.

  • to elisha

    its not all their fault? wen was the last time they had a bust? they do nothing. it all is their fault. wen was the last time they stopped a crime???

  • Uncle Mendel

    Another act in the sad play entitled “Crime in Crown Heights”.

    TFSA (Thanks for Shopping Arlans)

  • One of those bochurim in school

    Why don’t you all check the Compstat for the 71st precinct, before commenting on here??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The Deputy Inspector and his entire staff are accountable to the Commissioner based on these numbers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Its all available on-line!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????


    The only thing that is up from last year is Burglaries.

  • Seeiing It As It Is

    When something chas vsholom happens to a child in our community, we are not supposed to call the cops…tell a Rabbi! Rabbis who can’t even get a husbands to give their wives GETS and never confront perpetrators.

    Then, we aren’t supposed to call the cops, but call the Vaad. What is going on with our community?

    People in these positions have been hired,including the cops, to be protecting people of their communities. Positions of “glory” are being abused straight across the board.

    In a chassidishe maaseh, a man was sent to another city to find out what people do when they are sick, if they didn’t even have a doctor anywhere around. They davened to the One Above!

    We have to stop relying on inept people and turn to Hashem in earnest prayers. That’s what He is waiting for. Something more spiritual from all of us.

  • Common Sense

    Of course, what happened to the lady was terrible but if you don’t have enough information for the police to go off of, there isn’t anything they can do. She was unharmed, purse gone. Slim black man and a black car. The police can’t do anything with that. Fingerprints? Video?

    I’ve called the cops before because of an incident and was also told they couldn’t do anything because they were dealing with a huge situation at the time (and there were helicopters flying over).

    Prioritize situations! A stolen purse or a man in the street with a gun who could have killed many people?

    I agree with Elisha. The cops cannot be everywhere all the time and you sometimes have to just accept that. When there is a crime, you have to remain alert and gather as much information as possible.

    #26 Are you blind?

  • CH Bubby

    some tips from a policelady if your now afraid to go outside with your pocketbook: a) carry important items, i.e. credit cards, drivers license, etc. in a small pouch INSIDE your coat…b) try to take only what you must have-do not carry all your credit cards or medical insurance cards at once..c) use a pocketbook that straps across your body…what can i say- Hashem yishmor osonu..b’tzaiseinu ub’voiainu..

    p.s. i was the victimized lady, and I’M NOT ELDERLY AT ALL…just OLDER..b’suros tovos!