Murder on the Streets of Crown Heights, Man Shot Dead

CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — A man was shot and killed this evening on a Crown Heights street. The incident took place at around 8:40pm when a number of shots rang out, and one man was left dead on the street.

The victim was a black man who appeared to be in his late 40’s or 50’s was shot once in the head, and was pronounced dead at the scene, and police covered his body with a white sheet. EMS did not attempt any lifesaving measures.

Swarms of police filled the area, gathering statements and searching for evidence.

There is no apparent motive behind the shooting.


  • mee.

    wow. this did not happen on Utica Ave.!
    This happened near our kids school. Hope they catch that guy who did it.

  • a crown heights resident and BR parent

    I sincerely hope the shooter is found and brought to justice and that this brings more police and more effective policework into our neighborhood.

  • MaDDinBklyn

    Damn the 71st pricinct useless idiots, any one of us could be the next victim and these useless cops arent doing anything that they’re supposed to do. Traffic cops with guns is all they are, and the “community” gives them “rewards”? they should give us rewards for bravery just for walking to the grocery store to buy milk and making it back home alive.

  • bais rivkah parent

    thank hashem for chanukah vavation
    production practice could have been going on

  • So MaD!!!

    Enough!!! what is going on in our neighborhood? where is “our” Hikind???? this situation is OUT OF CONTROL! our street are NOT safe!

  • A maple st resident

    What is going on in our neighborhood?? This is the 3rd shooting death in a 2-3
    block radius is as many months. Where is the police??

  • to #7

    YOU ROCK!!!!!! yeah this president isn’t doing anything nor are his police!!!!!!!

  • Lenny Write

    We need to crack down harder on Shomrim.

    If we move the Shomrim command post and a few scooters crime will go away!

  • status update

    as of now 11:00 PM the body is still lying on the street, feel free to wish him off, (thank god its cold, for otherwise the neighborhood won’t have a good odor), and i just got word that the NYPD has already resolved 50% of the case, they found the victim, WOW. but statistics show they gonna give up on the other 50 percent, keep up the good work NYPD, (dont we all just love action?, well maybe not in the cold).

  • to #7 & #9

    the president of the united states has nothing to do with the nypd common are you sane>? more like insane

  • Dov S

    to #7 you are a racist with not much intellect. Did you want Obama to stand on the corner and be cleaning up our neighborhood?

  • Eli Cohen Executive Director of CHJCC

    Come on guys, there has to be a way of bringing this incident to a positive light.

    Let’s act responsibly.

  • #14

    Honestly Dov..I think his standing on our corner would make the place more dangerous…another African American to deal with.

  • What Crime?

    And we where just told there is no crime, and its all made up by CHI.
    so nice job on photoshop ;)

  • Cops where there 15min before this...

    I was walking home at 8pm with my kids and normally I walk straight down Brooklyn to ENY. Instead I took Lefferts to NY Ave. cause there were a bunch of cops on the corner of East NY. BH I missed the shooting, but how did the cops????

  • Maple Street

    Tell me again why I’m raising my children here? Enough is enough. Time to head to Monsey or somewhere else. I’m not kidding…the search starts tomorrow.

  • chess

    I like this website, and the “free speech” is good, but it really tests boundaries.
    Some people are really just making embarassing statements, like #7 is really missing a few bricks off the load. I dont trust Obama, but really, lets not lower ourselves to sound like racists, do you all know the difference?

  • Fan of Shomrim

    To #9 Shomrim is out there they are doing a lot for this community. And Shomrim is doing more now then ever! It is the cops that are not doing anything! Shomrim keep it up!

  • to eli cohen

    I would personally thank eli cohen the unelected member chjcc, for making crown heights so safe. When the issue with the cop ticketing two people on private property for blocking pedstrian traffic, and was brought to the chjcc it was referd to mr. Cohen (as is with every matter pertaining to our “good” police) whom responded, do nothing because we don’t want to ruin our good terms with the cops. Guess as long as the cops to nothing to him they are good. Coming soon people who do more and talk less because if four blacks beat a jew its not a hate crime. But if jew beats a black who is throwing rocks sharpton come to town. Hey ray kelly we dont need ur surprise visits anymore rather we will surprise you

  • Mahchashaifa M.

    why are you making such a big story from this ?
    mr young Beast told me that this never happend
    mr schmukaneti made crown heights safe .
    and Eli Cohen the edp will honor the 25 % increase in crime

  • to commenter # 12

    fist of all well said i did get a hard laugh. but yes i would agree with you on productivity of the NYPD, well if only there was a local wikileaks then our city will be a-bit more safe

  • gender quality

    It’s time to consider letting women cleanup house because I think we may be more qualified than current leadership.

  • Shomrim - hoffman failure

    Who is cohen , who elkected him . he is a failure
    where is shomrim about hoffman , he has to kill someone till hes jailed for life , this chjcc is only for show , more picts with eli slavin , and sperlin , the dumb face failure
    it all points to the top NO LEADERSHIP.

  • Down with Bloomberg

    This Bloomberg became a major liberal.
    He originally won votes because he followed Guiliany.
    Recently, Bloomberg wants to “look nice” and let everyone do whatever they want, maybe wants to run for president.
    He got so much attention when he let the Arabs free, now he wants everyone to say that he is nice to minorities.

  • Continuation Bloomberg

    BTW you need to admit that bloomberg saved the City from total chaos (imagine the other guy would will like in 1992).
    But allowing criminals free won’t do him any good.

  • It-s just Business

    These comments are beyond ridiculous. Yes we should do everything to keep Crown Heights safe and yes we should be concerned when there is a shooting on our streets. but if one man wants to kill another – most likely in a gang dispute – there is really nothing that could be done to stop it, even if there is a Cop walking by every five minuets (and there pretty much are) he’ll shot him in between that time.

    To say the police are not stopping murders because they are busy giving tickets is just dumb. and to say that the community council shouldn’t take steps to have a good working relationship with the police is just ignorant.

    (and to not bother using a great tool called “spell check” when leaving a comment is just.. well.. I don’t know)

  • go #29

    29, YES!!!! We mothers are more than capable of doing the job. These men have done squat for this community. I can’t believe this happened on the corner by Bais Rivka!

    Tamir walked by. He didn’t even notice till a Shomrim member pointed out the victim dead in the street. So what are you going to do, Mr. Tamir? Same as always? NOT A WORD FROM YOU, EVER!!! And no action either.

  • SG

    fact is the cops are to busy trying to dismantle shomrim and getting awards from the vaad to actually protect us. we would also have our own “dov hikind” if the members of our community turned out to vote for mendy raitport instead of the candidate endorsed be the very people who caused 90% of the controversy to begin with.
    as for shomrim i can only thank god that a member was not there when it happened or chas veshalom he would be dead to.
    so lets all remember come next election (community of govt) and take a stand and vote for those who have our safety and best interest in mind.

  • Mendel

    I can see we are all very up set with the way things r be handeld here and in the most parts of NYC the cops are just as bad in other parts of N.y.. The only way we cab make a change is if we work with other neiborhoods . Like wiliamsburg & boro park . They are having the same crime problems . We must unite . And that’s hard to do becuse we are dealing with a lot of big egos .evey one thinks the know better .isac abreham from wilamsburg has a lot of pull in the city let’s see what he does with the crime in wilamsburg . He is very tight with the 90 pct.we should work with him

  • I get it

    To # 7 I get but these shlameles don’t.

    Liberals thought a black president would be a great role model for black kids to see what they could accomplish by hard work and study, Maybe the crime rate would go down in CH if only the young black boys and girls would see this.

    Obviously a black mayor, govenor or president means nothing to the lazy black purse snatching thugs and muggers that roam CH at will.

    Police and jails are the only solution for now.

  • Cohen your sitting too comfortable

    Eli Cohen
    you are there because you speak a better english than chanina , thats it !
    you have done nothing , just as you have done nothing at yeshivah university .cheshbon hanefesh
    give up your seat to the next ,things have not improved since you moved in .its a sin to fool the community.
    No CHJCC community letter has been printed yet ,because there is nothing to print , why is brandel sitting in her seat in 387 Kingston if hoffman is still roaming the streets , when you leave take brandel , yarmush with you ,
    she has to go , too old to perform ,you are scared of her ! you can go back and fight the courts for yeshivah money , which you failed too.
    if Hoffman is not in rehab , you failed
    what a shame , shomrim put there life on the line , to catch these thugs , you look to take more pict , and smile again with police brass

  • ceo

    this is a serious situation, worth some intelligent situation. Serious for everyone in our community., if you think that some people arent waking up, then wake up yourselves and do something.
    this is really not normal.

  • To # 19

    Ummm, not sure a BDE is appropriate here…. Not necessarily a Hatov Umeitiv either, but I’m just saying..

  • 123

    So many of you commenting are so ignorant, such a shame. I’m glad most of the world doesn’t know CH exists.

  • Bubby

    It’s hard to understand why you are showing all these photos.
    It’s enough just report the story, so we know what’s going on in our community.


    let’s be prepared!!

  • Community Leader of Crown Heights

    May this man Rest in peace.

    I am so sad that this is happening in our community.
    It is wrong to blame the cops for crime, because they cannot be in every place at once.
    However, there can be more police officers stationed around Crown Heights to watch out for crime.
    Of course it is not helpful when Eli Cohen is siding with the police when the community members are being taken advantage of.
    Immediate action needs to be taken.
    How can we get him replaced?

  • non racist

    i hate to do this but to quote chris rock “theres black folk, and then theres ni****s.” sorry to say but we dont label them that. they do. nobody hates black people. but streeg thugs and pimps that mug, steal, and murder… thats a diff story. no im not looking at u cuz ur black, im looking cuz u look like a scum of the earth. get over urself gangster.

  • Typical mob mentality CH-er

    It is obviously Eli Cohen’s fault that this random crime about which I know nothing about occurred, ohh, and also Obama’s.

  • awacs

    from the NYDN:
    “The 68-year-old owner of a Brooklyn bakery was shot dead outside his Crown Heights home Tuesday night.

    ”Mervyn Johnson was confronted at 8:30 p.m. at Brooklyn and Lefferts Avenues, and shot in the head, just feet from his Brooklyn home. Police said it’s possible the murder is connected to a recent robbery attempt.

    “According to Police, Johnson left his business, Merv’s Bakery, on Nostrand Avenue, a short time earlier when he was confronted by his attacker.”

  • crownhe

    why are there no camers by bais rivka they arenot working thisis the safty of ourchildren

  • lefferts ave. Resident

    the person who covered this story needs to get better info on this incident before they attempt to publicize their story… there were no several shots… it was only one shot… i heard the shot… i do hope they apprehend the killer ASAP!!!

  • Eli Cohen

    What a JOKE!!! Failed at 1414. failed at 749. failed in the position he was never asked to assume. To sum it up- Hes a failure in everything he touches.