Jewish Man Injured in Hit and Run
CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — A man was injured when a car struck him and knocked him down. The incident took place at around 4:30pm at the intersection of New York and Crown.
Witnesses described the car as a red sports car, which was making a left turn and fled the scene immediately after hitting the victim.
Hatzalah and Police were called, police took over 25 minutes to respond to the call, while Hatzalah treated the victim and later transported him to King County Hospital.
25 minutes to drive one block up the hill?
Anyone on duty?
25 minutes? Guess there was a long line at D.Donuts
where r the police
wheres the police. whats going on here
was the victim jewish?
frustrated & furious
The bias against Jews in this neighborhood is overwhelming. 25 minutes??? If this was a Black hit by a Jew they’d be there before the light changed color. How the hell are they getting away with this? Why are we letting them?
Why isn’t the CHJCC doing anything? Why don’t they EVER speak up? What are they doing to stop this abuse?
We are such fools. We believe the hype & once they’re in, they ignore us.
Brooklyn Badger
The “new” CHJCC are bunch of empty suits with a bunch of “committees” led by (B”H) a criminal attorney. That’s why they aren’t doing anything. Kinda leaves ya breathless – without being hit by a car. They are so directionless and befuddled that the police would laugh at them if they ever did try to advocate on our behalf. Never thought I’d say this, but, bring back Rubashkin, he had guts and he tried – unlike the present marshmallow heads.
“If this was a Black hit by a Jew they’d be there before the light changed color.”
Interesting supposition. How would they know the color of the victim and driver before they got there?
CH Police gotta EARN their respect..
Black OR Jew – – What the heck?? Why should it take them that long to respond to ANYONE???? If it was a serious accident G-d forbid, he could chas v’shalom be dead by the time they arrived. The Police precinct is just a few blocks away!! It would not even take 25 min to WALK from the police station to the location of the accident!! Ummmm, what are we paying these cops for again?
vous noch is neias
Any partial plate # just saw a red sports car today in the neighborhood