Two Youth Seriously Wounded in Franklin Ave Shootout

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — 1010Wins is reporting that two or possibly three youths were shot on Franklin Avenue and President Street.

The incident took place at around 3:30pm in front of 881 Franklin Avenue, where two black youths were shot, possibly from a nearby rooftop, and were seriously injured. EMS rushed the victims to nearby hospitals, and there were reported to be in stable condition and are expected to recover.

The teens were walking on Franklin Ave. when someone shot down at them and followed them along the rooftop as they ran. Two of the bloody teens stumbled into an accounting office.

Police did not release any more details and the investigation is ongoing.


  • chraine

    now remind me who the community leaders are in that area?
    I think they’ve let them down and I’m wondering if they have figured that out yet, that they’ve been duped. I think their community leaders use them for votes and then keep them in poverty without proper services to help them. Its horrific. Its time that those people started looking at who really is responsible for their condition.

  • mother in crown heights

    I hope they catch those people who think crown heights is a killing ground! I don’t care what color or religion the victims are or the attempted killers- OUR children should not be targeted.

  • remour

    chraine: it’s that kind of mind set that will keep all of crown heights in a state siege, and guess what? when the siege is over u nor I will be living in crown heights anymore when that does take place, because this community mine and your’s will be sold out to the highest bigger take alook in “our community” and u will see it taking place right now, until the “community” comes together as a whole, and not just by groups who want whats best for their “groups” no 1 that has called crown heights home for decades will even exist here anymore.

  • Chenessa Thom[son

    i really dont find it fair for us colored pepole to be involved in such criminal events. How long will it take now for something to spread to the school that is located right across the block. The communityl leaders are most definatly doing their assighned possition. And i am only 11 years old