CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Another Jewish girl was attacked this Shabbos afternoon, marking the 2nd week of this new bizarre spree in which over six women were victimized in a violating and degrading fashion.

The latest incident took place on Crown Street between Albany and Troy Avenues at around 5:00pm on Shabbos afternoon where the perpetrator, a Black man in his late teens or early 20’s, matching the description in both past incidents, slapped the girl, 25, so hard that it left a full imprint of his hand on her.

Serial Slapper Strikes Again

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Another Jewish girl was attacked this Shabbos afternoon, marking the 2nd week of this new bizarre spree in which over six women were victimized in a violating and degrading fashion.

The latest incident took place on Crown Street between Albany and Troy Avenues at around 5:00pm on Shabbos afternoon where the perpetrator, a Black man in his late teens or early 20’s, matching the description in both past incidents, slapped the girl, 25, so hard that it left a full imprint of his hand on her.

Immediately following Shabbos the Victim called Shomrim and Police to make a report.

So far all that has been done on the police’s side of trying to quell these incidents was an increase of patrol cars from other precincts around the neighborhood, which has obviously been of little relief.

In a conversation with the victim said “I feel so violated.”

If you have been the victim of a crime please do not be ashamed and come forward to make a police report so that this does not happen to other women. In case of an emergency always call 911 and Shomrim at (718) 774-3333 24/7.


  • Victim

    I wish someone could trip the guy off his bike and pin him down till police come! its getting so old!

  • madd in brooklyn

    more patrolls means more tickets. a mugger demands your money and takes five dollars out of your pockets. police write you a ticket and take usually take between 75 to 115 dollars. take your pick. for me personally take these cops off our street to me their worse, a mugger i can fight off a cop i can’t.

  • resident

    they need undercover officers sitting on the corners wacing every block so this sick person wont see the cops and when he strikes they undercover will catch him but it will never happen we are not worth the money!!! mayber after someone dies like klein did they will have a few extra cops walk the street for media show

  • CS

    amazing. im glad we have extra police. I saw two watching the basketball courts at lefferts park, and another two chopping a good shmooze on the corner of empire, and two others sitting in the car ….

    this is pathetic, how useless can cops be …

  • ceo

    everyone keep your eyes peeled and G-d willing that it would happen again, someone needs to get a clear description and as much as info as possible.
    The police are so strange, how do they not catch this lowlife.

  • Sick of police bias

    We jews should be afraid to catch the slapper, as we will surely be arrested. We must have assaulted him or provoked him and he’s really the innocent one. If we deny it, it’s our word against his.

    If we’re lucky we will be released if we don’t press charges.

    If G-d forbid it is found that we are in the right and the slapper was really at fault, there will be some cooked up technicality why he can’t be arrested (he’s a minor, black, mentally ill, he did it by accident, it’s not enough of a crime, you name it).

    Precinct 71, if you read this, take it to heart, your track record of anti-jew bias encourages these thugs to strike. I’ll bet that if thorough 3rd party research was done, they would find that these slappers, muggers, people who assault etc.. do not really think that anything serious will happen to them if they attack a jew in Crown Heights as they know that you guys will look the other way and let them off the hook.

    One of the 7 Noahide laws is to set up courts of law and have police that enforce them. If you don’t crack down on these thugs you are not only avoiding enforcement of law, but you are encouraging crime and allowing society to run like a jungle.

    However, let me conclude with this story. A man once put his rocks that he didn’t need on the road. Elijah the prophet appeared as an old man and warned him not do this. The man brushed off the warning. Years later the same man was walking on the road and tripped on the very bricks that he had put years earlier.

    The 71st precinct better get their act together and crack down on the crime that we have over here, or else they too can G-d frobid become affected.

  • oy vey

    chinfo stop reporting news in such a harsh way our new counsel are now saying you r not even acurate… we must soiit by and do nothinng just hide these things from everyone
    and pretend it never happaned

  • To Oy Vey


    CH.INFO reported on here exact to MY words & was 100% accurate in HIS wording. Yes this should be reported on here, so that no-one else should have to go thru what i went thru this afternoon!!
    You think i can pretend it never happened??
    Get ur head outa the mud “MR OY VEY” and stop being so ridiculous. A crime is a crime. And hitting on women in such a manner has to be advertised so that we are more aware of whats going on around us and be more cautios.

    Thank you ur da best!!

  • jj

    of all things…. someone going around the neighborhood slapping people in the tuches.

    what has this world come to?

  • ticket complainers

    dont blame the cops for giving you a ticket next time dont park by a pump or anything that might get u a ticket.. you only have yourself to blame..
    and you are very selfish thinking only about yourself.

  • predicting the future

    Breaking news, yungerman witnesses a argument, between a youth on a bike matching the descrip of this perp, and jewish lady.

    the yungerman jumping to conclusions based on what he reads on chinfo grabs the perp and gives him some clep…

    in return the perp bricks the yungerman, and runs, as he runs he gets a bit more clep… and finally caught by police.

    police not listening to the testimony of the woman who was screaming for help, just on a passerby and a crossing guard, along with “OTHER JEWISH UMM COMMUNITY REPRESENTATIVES” and determine that the perp should be arrested and let go, and the yingerman should be tied to his hospital bed with hand cuffs.

    chinfo report the story]
    while community leaders and activists and the police talk about how chinfo is not producing accurate stories and should not trust the information he gives out.
    yeh i have the same questions.

    why is this guy hitting jewish woman

    what happend to the guy who matches his description seen twice with cops once on park place and kingston and the second on the corner of carroll and schecty.

    why is it when this guy gets caught that the local activists with community interests will set up suit to have the people who catch him arrested.

    what are the real intrests of these activists

  • Meir


    The poice will arrest him and the courts will let him out

    If you want to make sure that this guy never srtikes a jew again-when he is caugth give him a beating that he will never forget

    Like they do in Williamsburg-ever hear of this happening there


  • Woman on Crown Street

    A serious suggestion….any woman who gets slapped (as all of us should by now be aware this lunatic is on the loose) needs to start screaming immediately. I understand the first instict is shock & therefore silence, but if someone can be mentally prepared & screams he will be caught.

    Tell all your friends! Warn your daughters to be very watchful. We should walk on the streets with our cell phones in our hands & with Shomrim’s # on the screen. One click & you’re connected. Speed is essential.

    EVERYONE….be on the lookout for this sicko on a bike. Drivers: if you see someone matching this description on a quiet block, slow down. Be prepared to chase him. Notice how this isn’t happening on Kingston. Or on Utica. On these streets traffic is busier. There are fewer people on the side streets & Avenues like Brooklyn & Troy during the summer so it’s easier for him to do this.

    I agree, the cops aren’t going to catch him. They don’t care enough. So we must become mini-vigilantes & do it ourselves.

  • Why not?

    Make a karate class mandatory in Bais Rivkah and all other girls schools and yeshivas.

  • I agree

    Any self defense class (Martial arts, Kung fu) would be a good idea in the schools. It would be money well spent by the parents. It’s sad but in today’s climate we need it.

  • LeffertsAveResident

    The extra police presence in Lefferst Park on Shabbos was helpful and reassuring. It is necessary to keep the park safe and used lawfully.


    WOW – during the WWII, they said that the silent countries were worse than those who got involved…. they pretended nothing was happening.

  • Ariyeh Leib Segall

    Need to start carrying pepper & mace spray.. on a chain or necklace….
    that will teach these low-lifes a lesson

  • to ALS

    Better that people should carry spray paint (not on Shabbos)-harder for the perpetrator to wash off and you can catch him “red-handed”.

  • Boruch ben Tzvi (A H)HaKohaine Hoffinger

    If Derrick Nelson, YM”S, can be arrested, incarcerated and released over 20 times for damaging property, causing depreciated auto value, and stealing; what do you think will happen to a ‘slapper?’
    If Nelson’s crimes can be considered ‘petty’ (As the law sees it.) compared to murder, then what of our rights to: ‘Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?’
    What happens when you compare his crime to this standard?
    Let’s face it, the authorities don’t love the public and don’t know how to run a government. They’re good at making money, producing movies, food, fashion and technology; but when there’s a knife in your back how can you enjoy it?
    The ‘authorities’ are a dismal failure at running a society regarding the things that matter most: peace!
    Let the religious run America – give it a try – let’s see what happens! Curious?

  • bereft girl

    Police, trust the police?
    I know this may be stereotypical, but my friend and I were walking to a Simcha and the policemen were walking towards us. When they reached us, they turned around, started following us and making catcalls and whistles. SO why, pray tell, should we trust them?

  • a graduate in elemenary

    i don’t understand i went to karate for two years and i would soooo suggest it and that is the reason why i went because last year actually two years in the summer there was kidnappers… something like that and i was so scared since it happened in day light …. wtvr back to what i was saying and i THINK WE SHOULD ENFORCE KARATE. AND THIS SEPTEMBER IN MINI GYM THERE IS A CLASS.!!!!

    PS. its ALSO good EXERCISE!!
    BTW i gave up for crown heights and their police booo police!

  • The Snag

    To the victimized women I would like to wish you my condolences and I hope that the police will catch this guy and lock him up till he learns his lesson.