Hate Crime in the Kingston Avenue Subway Station

CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — At around 10:30 this morning, Wednesday, a MTA commuter called Shomrim and alerted them to a number of hate graffiti on the subway platform. The graffiti consisted of a Jewish Star of David being equated to a swastika and the words “long live hamas” underneath it.

More pictures in the Extended Article.

When Shomrim members responded they found an additional two sets of such graffiti messages scrawled with marker on the walls.

Shomrim alerted the Police and officers from the 32nd Transit Division, 77th Precinct Detective Squad, the 71st Precinct’s Community Affairs and Hate Crimes Task Force, joining them was the Commanding officer of the 32nd Transit Captain Erbetta and a Duty Captain from the 67th Precinct Captain Vierling.

Officers took statements from Shomrim members and witnesses, then took pictures of the graffiti and had them cleaned and removed.

There have been reports of other such graffiti hate messages around New York City

The NYPD has set up a Terror Tip Line and it can be reached by calling 1-800-NYC-SAFE (692-7233) or in case of an emergency call 911, and Shomrim at (718) 774-3333 24/7.


  • Mushky P

    Absolutely revolting/disgusting…..
    Thanks “Buzz” for illuminating the world. Excuse the pun.

  • 1st Amendment

    While grafitti is a crime, and the message is repugnant, it’s hard to draw the line between free speech and a hate crime without knowing who wrote it and what their motivation was.

  • im so confused.

    think of it as a normal gentiles point of view, it may be not nice to do graffiti but lehavdil the same way ppl say long live the Rebbeand make huge crazy things out of it.

  • downhamas

    hate to say it but this could have been done by one of our otd oisvorf kids who thinks he’s funny still plenty of arabs near ch and the police needs to check this carefully.

  • Tim

    ‘Long live’ – Do other people really use that as form of praise?!?

    Just thinking aloud – not really sure what to make of it?!

  • Sam

    Does anybody else find it funny that Arabs and Muslims compare Jews/Israelis to the Nazis? After all, many deny that the Holocaust ever took place, so it’s not like they believe that the Nazis were exterminating people the way the Palestinians are claiming that they are being massacred in Gaza!!
    Even worse, if they don’t deny the Holocaust, they actually view the Nazis as heroes for killing Jews. Didn’t the Palestinian Grand Mufti of Jerusalem spend the 30’s and the way years in Nazi Germany covorting with Hitler? Why would they compare the terrible Zionist agressors to the wonderful Nazis? Shame shame.
    Of course, it might just have been an African American local messing with us….