Shomrim Apprehend Sicko for Indecent Exposure
CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] – A Jewish woman on her way to work this morning was accosted by an individual who exposed himself to her on a Crown Heights street. The incident took place at around 10:20am on Brooklyn Avenue between Union and President Streets.
The perp, a Hispanic male in his 20’s was standing a few feet inside the alleyway and as the woman walked by he called out to her and exposed himself. The woman was so stunned that she couldn’t get a proper description of the perp but was able to give a general description.
More pictures in the Extended Article!
Immediately after the incident the victim called Shomrim who alerted the police and responded to the scene. By the time Shomrim members arrived the perp had already left so police began preparing the report.
Other members that responded to the scene were canvassing the area in search of the pervert, and just as police began wrapping up a Shomrim member spotted a suspect walking on President Street. Police and Shomrim along with the victim went to that location and after the victim positively identified him he was arrested and placed in handcuffs.
There have been reports over the last couple of weeks of a man fitting his description exposing himself in this same area.
Thanks to the great work of Shomrim and the Police this sicko was taken off the streets.
In case of an emergency never heisted to call 911 and Shomrim at (718) 774-3333 24/7!
Where’s Jesse Jackson when we need him? We should do to this guy what Jackson wanted to do to Obama.
community member
Great job Shomrim! Keep up the great work!
did he work in any of the ch’s stores?…
is there anyway that he could get deported??????
where is your yiddishe kop
shame on u we don’t need this posted on this site. do not respond that this is safety education. this graphic is not the forum. please do not allow our innocent children and family members access to this site
good get all these stupid people of the streets
Do you really find it necessary to post something like this?
ex ch-r
for crying out loud, they used the “exposed”. it’s something ppl need to know.
grow up
“did he work in any of the ch’s stores?…
is there anyway that he could get deported??????”
+1 for my theory about religious Jews being somewhat prejudice.
Hint 1: “deported”
Maybe this guy is a citizen,born here.
to where is your yiddishe kop wrote:
This sadly is the reality of life, and yes this needs to be posted to warn other people that this may happen again. Do you really beleive this was the only sicko out there? Children should be briefly and without much detail explained to things like this (older girls) and how to deal with it if someone comes up to them.
Shielding children from news like this will not make it go away.
shocked! but not surprised.
sad to say, but the new provocative fashion that has become prevalent in this community is somewhat a cause for such obominabile occurances. Women and girls here are lately behaving and dressing in a promiscuous manner that is completely inappropiate to a bas chabad & if you epose yourself too much, it’s no surprise that the oppposite gender’s hormones might be eposed to you too.
The men of our community do not need to be imposed upon in this manner; where has tznius disappeared to?!
to stupid kop
are you really so stupid,“not a safety issue” would you want this to happen to your wife or daughter.Every incident should be reported and put on this website, how else can we protect ourselves from these sickos.great job
dovid p.
To all of you who think this should not have been posted:
wake up and smell the coffee, this is what happens in crown heights. There was nothing indecent written was the story as it happened. Our children SHOULD be aware of what happens in the streets. It happens-face it. Thank you for keeping us updated, and bringing all of this to our attention
bocher from O.T.73-----76
100 % we should know whats out there. when u know then ,then u can be prepared better. if those of u who r so concern about being exposed to the outside world 4 yr family be like my daughter dont bring the internet or tv in 2 yr home ..thats chasidash naces
I am wondering how in their right mind would want to live in CH?!
its such a pathetic crown heights attitude. Trying to shield everything and hide the facts. Hiding it all under the carpet. It’s a problem-deal with it, dont try hiding it.
TO Wondering!!!:
Well they are Lubavitchers and follow
what the Rebbe said. He said to stay,
unfortunately nobody really knows if
today he would say something different so they will stay.
I don’t think this guy was born in america and looks like an illegal inmigrant and I think that he should get deported before G-d forbid he does something much more serious…it is important also to know if he worked in one of the ch’s stores so the owners should know about it and they should try to check references as much as posible before you hire somebody to work by you.and please beware of the cleaning ladies you have to know who do you bring in to your house,but that is another topic.
I think this article was written very tastefully, and not in a perverted way at all. This is a news outlet, and this is unfortuntely, a piece of news, that ppl. should be made aware of.
Very disappointed
not every “shtus” needs to go on line, if your point is to thank the shomrim… – then just write “thanks to shomrim” and for info call…
Boruch Hershel Obamawitz
I think should post a manual of every ervah crime scenario that may present itself, that when/if they happen, we should know the sequence of calling shomrim/911!
It is a 90 mile stretch to say reading this story will make our community safer. Whether we’re ready or not, there will be mishugoyim doing terrible and crazy things. You think the Rebbe would approve of publishing this news item? Would you feel comfortable to print this new item out, and put it in the ohel?….
Boruch Hashem I don’t have a website. I realize that there are gray areas and nisyonos.
07/28/08 – 18:52:
I appreciate your point. As they say “loy achbara ganav, chura ganav” (the mouse is not the thief, the hole is).
Chassididhei people
I think that the word “exposed”is not the best term for Chabad people to use.Also,the Tznius is a REAL Catastroph in CH.Why don’t they make more Shiurim about Tzius for teenager and adults girls?I wonder how it’s going to be in 10 years!
ex ch-r
Re. Tznius:
While tznius is a serious issue and needs to dealt with, it is in no way connected to the events described in the article. The guy is a creep and that’s all there is to it.
Boro Park women dress very tzniusdik and they unfortunately have their share of creeps as well.
The article is well written and in good taste. If you cannot deal with this reality, go for therapy. The one thing you should not do is pin blame on an outside, unrelated issue. You are burying your head in the sand and the problem will not go away. With no awareness, it only worsen heaven forbid.
Cant believe i live in ch
You have to be brain dead to think that someone exposing themselves is somehow related to “tznius.”
And if you can’t deal with an article about someone exposing themselves, you really shouldn’t be on the internet at all.
Why is “Pentax” constantly being given a voice here? Once or twice is enough for him to make a fool of himself. More than that gives him credibility!
And of course Pentax wishes he could take a pic of the flasher with his counterfeit Pentax!
Shocked into Saying something
Ok there are several issues that need to be addressed here
1. Do some of you actually believe that the way to go is to shelter our children all their lives, what do you think will happen when they are adults, and if you dont want to look so far ahead, it will even protect them as children, you should talk it out with them (obviously not in explicit detail) heights is no worse then any other part of brooklyn, yes there has been a crime surge in the past few weeks but that comes along with living in a big city, if you want a reason to bash crown heights then you may want to dig up and actual one
3. ‘Shocked but not Surprised’ ARE YOU SERIOUS? your gonna try and blame innocent girls for what a creepy pervert did? what kind of twisted logic is that????
“I don’t think this guy was born in america and looks like an illegal inmigrant and I think that he should get deported”
Pray tell, what does a non-American born illegal immigrant look like?
Like this? http://www.crownheights.inf…
Or, do you really mean something else?
If so, say so.
Lack of tznius makes the likelihood of such crimes happening – increase. Nobody is saying that every pervert would be healed if the matzav of tznius in crown heights improved. But in a modest society, the moral bar is raised and a pervert pushing the envelope, would have less chutzpah, then in an immodest society. This is a klal. To every klal, there are yotzei min haklals, so appreciate my point for what it’s worth.
Dovid P. makes sense to me.
A community who turns a blind eye to any injustice including indecent exposure…is only harming itself. Awareness of these kinds of things may keep a youngster or oldster from responding– even with a “look” (as this woman did)– to a call or comment from a stranger.
We had one case of indecent exposure. We do not need a “double exposure”.
The blame is to be placed on immodest fashion in the neighrbohood; no doubt about it. That does not mean that tznius dressing will guarantee anything. Yet, if you are dressed in a way that is more revealing, then yes that exposure may cause further promiscuity of this type. For every action there is a reaction. Mida kneged mida.
And it is not only this kind of crime that should alarm us. There are many other and possibly more obinaable consequenses that we are to fear. There is a reason why shulchan aruch tells us how to behave, act and DRESS.
Deviating from the cause is worse than
to all the naive ppl
Pentax, boy are you naive, this is New York, You think this doesnt happen in Williamsburg and Boro Park? There are way more stories of molestation and worse ones there than here in CH R”L. Wake up!! stop being so naive you need to learn what type of city this is.
Well, to all of you think that we have to be dressed like we’re in Alaska, maybe you should try to realize that there are pictures of many women of chassidic leniagewho are not dressed in eskimo suits. Why all of a sudden now do people take up issue with us dressing a little more summery? Crown Heights is not Williamsburg.
Besides, what does the way people dress have to do with the situation in this incident. It doesn’t matter how we dress, we desrve to be protected from any perv. It is disgusting that there are people here who are always trying to throw the blame on how we are dressed. Let’s seperate the issues. This man is a sick and therfore should be locked up. How a woman decides to dress is her and only her business, not yours. So please mind your own business and stopl blaming us.
Thank you to all those who are enough open minded to realize thta there is a difference.
“to all the naive ppl wrote:
Pentax, boy are you naive, this is New York, You think this doesnt happen in Williamsburg and Boro Park? There are way more stories of molestation and worse ones there than here in CH R”L. Wake up!! stop being so naive you need to learn what type of city this is.”
Ummmm ok but please quote the place in my comment where I said this doesn’t happen…..I’ll be waiting.
Anyway it does happen everywhere and I can’t believe people don’t want it reported, this reminds me of never seeing a story about a perverted Rabbi
because it might make Jews look bad or
if they don’t say anything the problem might go away by itself.
I couldn’t care less if the pervert is Jewish,Muslim,Christian,Buddhist,Hindu,
Atheist,White,Black,Asian, if he did the crime you should report it and stop lying to yourselves.
chassidishei people
I understand how you see things and I don’t say that you are wrong.For sure that even in Williamsburg or BoroPark this does happen.Then this means that it’s not a safety place.You should just know that I am not from Amerrica at all but I’ve been then more than 3times a year.I was a bit desapointed about the tznius how it changed.But even if this issue is something different,maybe if the girls would be “a bit” more Tznius (less attractive,I know what I am speaking about)this would help the situation a bit.
You don’t need to agree,but I accept your opinion.The tznius is one of the hardest thing today in the chinuch.
Who said that’s it’s an easy thing for our kids today?
We just need to pray for Moshiach!Moshiach Now!