Crown Heights Community Council Addresses Sanitation Concerns
In response to growing concerns about the new sanitation rules in the neighborhood, the Crown Heights Jewish Community Council (CHJCC) is reaching out to residents for input. Many residents have expressed frustration over the new regulations, which prohibit placing trash outside for collection before 6 PM. This has been particularly problematic for those observing Shabbat, as Friday night collection often falls before Shabbat begins.
Recent reports of homeowners receiving tickets for putting out bags too early on Fridays have further exacerbated the issue. As sunset times approach earlier in the year, this problem is expected to become even more pronounced.
In response to community complaints, the Department of Sanitation (DSNY) has claimed to have offered to switch collection days for affected residents. While community representatives do not recall such an offer being made, the CHJCC believes it may still be possible to implement this change if the community is in favor.
Switching collection days would mean that all areas with Jewish residents would have their last collection of the week on Friday. This would allow residents to place their trash out on Thursday night, avoiding the current restrictions. Additionally, it would enable residents to bring their cans back onto their property after collection, instead of leaving them out until Motzei Shabbat.
The CHJCC is now seeking input from residents to determine whether this proposed solution would be beneficial. Community members living west of Brooklyn Avenue who currently have Monday, Wednesday, and Friday collection have reportedly expressed satisfaction with this arrangement.
To gather feedback from the community, the CHJCC has created a survey. Residents are encouraged to complete the survey to share their thoughts and preferences regarding the proposed sanitation changes. You can find the survey by clicking here: chcentral.org/TrashCollectionSurvey
Regarding the Tickets:
The CHJCC understands the frustration surrounding the tickets issued for violating the new sanitation rules. We are working diligently with community leaders to advocate for the dismissal of these tickets. Unfortunately, at this time, the tickets have not been dismissed. The CHJCC will keep the community updated on any further developments and the city’s response.
Media Coverage:
The CHJCC would also like to acknowledge the recent news coverage of this issue, including the article published by NY1 on September 25th, 2024, titled “Orthodox Jewish Community Ticked for Trash on Shabbat.”
We encourage residents to stay informed and engaged with this issue.
Mrs Marmulszteyn
Where is the survey posted?
On my block there are only 3 shomer Shabbos families. And Shabbos is a pickup day.
Is that enough Jews on a block, to get our pickup day changed? To what day then?
Efraim Tessler
It’s mentioned in the article
Leah Marmulszteyn
Rats will love the compost which ironically is being collected only once a week, same as recycling. Their trash cans are great. Strong, sturdy with lids that realky close well and stay on can
Why can an exception be made to put out garbage earlier on a Friday. Surely 2/3 hours isn’t going to make a huge difference. After all rats don’t tell time.
There are no rats in Crown Heights!