The Jewish Future Alliance Provides Community Update On Important Events

The Jewish Future Alliance has provided important updates for the Crown Heights Jewish community, regarding construction, legislation, and new sanitation rules.

The objective of this update is to raise awareness about community matters and encourage active participation in the democratic process. Our goal is to keep everyone well-informed about the latest developments in the neighborhood by providing regular updates.

National Grid Advances Infrastructure Upgrade for Improved Service

Regarding the ongoing work on Albany Ave, National Grid is currently conducting an upgrade of its natural gas infrastructure. The purpose of this upgrade is to ensure the safe and reliable delivery of natural gas to customers and the community in the long term.

This work was originally scheduled to take place during Pesach but at the request of Community Board 9 and the Jewish Future Alliance, National Grid agreed to postpone it until after Pesach.

During the project, the following can be expected: Temporary disruption of street parking, Painted mark-outs of underground utilities within the project area, Excavation of the street and installation of new gas mains, Upgrading or replacing individual gas service lines for customers, Relocation of gas meters outside of homes or businesses in compliance with New York State requirements (at no charge), Temporary and subsequent permanent restoration of streets and sidewalks according to Department of Transportation (DOT) specifications.

There are different crews that handle different parts of the project. The gas crew already completed the gassing process, and now it will be handed over to a service crew to begin the services once the next available crew comes up. Due to delays in this project, National Grid estimates a final completion date, including final restoration, of no later than approx. 10/1/2023.

New NYC Sanitation Rule Sparks Challenges for Crown Heights Businesses

In the war against rats and to clean up the city, the NYC Department of Sanitation has implemented a new rule since April to reduce the time that trash, recycling, and curbside composting sit on sidewalks

Businesses with waste at the curb for collection have two options:

If using a container with a secure lid, place the waste at the curb 1 hour before closing.

if using bags directly on the curb, place waste out after 8:00 PM.

Many Crown Heights stores faced recent ticketing due to closing by 6 PM.

We are working with the NYC Department of Sanitation (DNSY), the Mayor’s office, and Council Member Hudson’s office for a solution. Some communities considered dumpsters on the street, but this would lead to issues like an unsightly appearance and parking loss.

As of August 1, 2023, ALL NYC food-related businesses must use rigid containers with secure lids for trash collection. This rule applies to catering establishments, food manufacturers, food preparation establishments, food service establishments, food wholesalers, and retail food stores. Restaurants, grocery stores, delis, bodegas, caterers, and all food-handling businesses MUST comply. Containers must be removed from the curb before the business reopens.

This new requirement may also present challenges to local businesses.

Yeshiva Report Released by the Department of Education

The Department of Education has recently released a report on Yeshivas following a five-year investigation that began in 2015. The DOE concluded that four yeshivas, including Oholei Torah and Ohr Menachem, do not provide secular education that is “substantially equivalent” to public schools. Additionally, the DOE has recommended that 14 bilingual yeshivas, which are subject to the Felder Law and fall under state jurisdiction, be classified as failing to meet the required standard. On a separate note, it is worth mentioning that ULY Chovevei Torah, and ULY Ocean Parkway successfully passed the investigation.

It is important to note that these investigations were prompted by anonymous complaints filed against these particular schools, possibly by individuals who have no affiliation with the schools.

Naturally, many are curious about the immediate implications of this report. At present, there are no immediate changes.The four identified schools are expected to initiate contact with the Department of Education within a specified timeframe to try and create a plan that attains substantial equivalency while respecting their religious values and mission.

We do not yet have access to the remaining 14 reports submitted to the state. Our knowledge is limited to the DOE’s recommendation for the state to evaluate these schools as not being “substantially equivalent.” As these schools fall under state jurisdiction due to the Felder Law, the final determination lies with the state authorities.

In Crown Heights, there is a strong sense of pride in our yeshivas and the significant contributions their alumni make to education, business, and Shlichus. Parents in our community have various educational options available to them and have the right to choose the educational environment that best suits their children’s needs.


  • Jay Sorid

    “This work was originally scheduled to take place during Pesach but at the request of Community Board 9 and the Jewish Future Alliance, National Grid agreed to postpone it until after Pesach.” – can the Jewish Future Alliance and Community Board 9 also please request a TOWN HALL MEETING with Assemb Cunningham & AG James on all the NYS Vital Brooklyn Housing Construction coming to the neighborhood?

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