COVID-19 Update for the Crown Heights Community #10
Medical Update
We would like to thank all the people who filled out the survey (if you haven’t please do so here). We are beginning to analyze the information to understand the current situation in our community. Looking at the data, it would appear that there were significantly fewer new infections in the past few days when compared with last week. In a large part this may be due to the rapid accelerant that Purim provided in spreading the infection throughout our community.
There will likely continue to be sporadic cases through our community among those who have not been exposed, including the elderly and those with chronic illness, and we must repeat our strong admonition for those who are elderly (>65 years old) or with chronic illness, who have not had the virus yet, to remain socially isolated.
We are still seeing many patients who have been ill for over a week who are not doing well. Once again, please attend to eating, drinking, and walking around the home regularly. Another plea is made for adults who HAVE HAD the illness, to go and take care of your parents if they are currently ill. For those on medication to lower your blood sugar, if you have been sick for days and not eating, please discuss your blood sugar medications with your physician. We must repeat the instruction for all those with shortness of breath that they must call Hatzalah.
Concerning Plaquenil (Hydroxychloroquine) – this morning, the governor of New York banned the sale of Plaquenil. The exact reasons relate to the shortage created and the unproven nature of the therapy. Notwithstanding the above, we are encouraging those already on the drug to finish their prescription. If you have a cardiac history, please clear it with your cardiologist. At this time, we are not suggesting widespread Zithromax use (in the absence of Plaquenil) at the onset of the illness.
Please continue to observe social distancing, and get some fresh air with your children if you are no longer ill.
Social support programs:
For COVID-related questions:
COVID hotline: 212-901-2000
Neshamos.org is collaborating with a team of dedicated mental health professionals. They will be available to speak to those seeking mental health support during this time, beginning tomorrow morning. Please call the same hotline number above and listen to the prompts.
Assistance with errands etc for those in isolation:
Errand helpline: chcovid@gmail.com (or call hotline)
May all those that are ill have a speedy recovery, and all those that are well stay well.
– The Gedaliah Society, in conjunction with Dr. Rosen